Chapter Seven

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Hoping you like this chapter x Thanks for the comments, only a few more chapters to go!

Chapter Seven: Relationship Complications

The next morning I slept in for as long as I could. I was hoping to wake up and discover that the letter was from some nightmare of mine, but it wasn't. It was real. After seeing the letter I was beyond horrified so I went straight back to my common room. It wasn't like I could tell anyone about it anyway. I went straight to bed and sat there in fear. Today was a Sunday and I was glad I slept in so late, how was I going to keep this from everyone? Rolling out of bed, I took my time to get dressed and finally went down to the common room where Cathal was standing there looking anxious. "There you are!" he said quickly. Something must have happened when I was asleep. "I couldn't go up there and no girls have come by."

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"Your friend Ron has been poisoned, he's in the hospital wing," Cathal said. "He's better, but people can visit now. I figured you'd want to." I nodded quickly kissing Cathal.

"Thank you," I said and rushed right out of the room. I walked quickly to the hospital wing. How could Ron have been poisoned? When did this even happen. Finally after one of the quickest jogs of my life, I made it to the hospital wing. I entered to see Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were are there.

"What happened?" I asked when I walked into the room. Harry explained quickly that he drank a poisoned bottle of Mead that Slughorn had. Then he muttered something about Draco so I stopped listening. Harry was becoming too obsessed with Draco, he was blaming basically everything on him. I noticed Hermione sitting over in the corner closest to Ron, her hand was holding one of his.

I looked over at Ginny and raised my eyes. "What happened over there?" I muttered in a whisper. Ginny smiled back at me.

"Lavender came by, Ron muttered 'Hermione', and Lavender stormed off in tears. It was great," she responded and I laughed. Finally. I looked at the two of them and Hermione finally looked so happy. I know she has been so upset lately with Ron and Lavender. Eventually Harry, Ginny, Luna, and I left to go get lunch at the Great Hall.

 After lunch I headed to the common room to finish an essay, of course I would be doing it in the library where it was quiet, but I had to grab a few things. Yet all I could think about was the letter. How was I going to possibly focus on this assignment? "Caoimhe why are you in such a rush?" someone asked, causing me to jump. There I ran into Cathal who was sitting around with his friends. I hadn't realized I was practically speed walking.

"No reason," I said quickly while turning and putting on a smile.

"Are you okay?" Cathal asked with a small laugh. "You're acting a bit strange."

"Oh no I'm just going to grab my lett-books," I added quickly catching myself. Once again I put on a smile, then left to grab my books. When I came back downstairs I passed the table, waving quickly and taking off. Cathal easily noticed something was up. I was so nervous I was going to slip. I basically already had! It was plastered in my mind. 

It took me twice as long to write that essay, and I wasn't even happy with it when I finished. My father had contacted me. I was panicking. I knew this moment would come after last year at the Department of Mysteries, but I was praying that it wouldn't. While leaving the library, I wanted to take extra time getting back so I ventured off. There was a part of the castle that overlooked the pond, so I stopped to take a look. The outskirt of the pond was beginning to freeze. I lent up against the wall and the freezing cold breeze felt surprsingly relaxing. I looked down at my essay, just reading it over once more when I heard a hoot. Jumping in my place, my heart dropped when I saw the black owl had landed next to me again.

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