Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Reunited at Last

After my feet hit the floor, I looked over at Colm. "Where am I?" I asked looking around and not recognizing anything. Draco didn't come with us. Colm apparated me away too quickly even though I know Draco mentioned he wanted to come with me. Despite still being angry at him, I was kind of sad to see him not standing next to me. It was for the best that he stay behind. Still, where was I? It looked like the English country side, simply grass and farmland. Wait, I have seen this before...

"About a mile walk from the Weasleys," he replied and I sighed with complete relief. I could not wait to see the Weasleys and my friends so that I could explain what had happened. Who knows what they think happened to me.

Although it was nice to get away, I literally couldn't imagine walking that far at the moment. I've never felt so weak in my life. "I can't get any closer, they have charms set up. Just walk straight down the path," Colm said looking down at me. I nodded, I would have to just do it and imagine arriving at the Weasley's. A nice place to sleep and eat for a few days. The thought of seeing my friends would help me through it.

"Thank you," I said to him. He nodded.

"You shouldn't have to be involved," he said with a shrug. "Better go." He nodded once more while quickly apparating away. I couldn't thank Colm and Draco enough for risking their safety. As I walked I went as fast as I could. I imagined seeing my friends, well hopefully they would be there. Who knows what Harry, Ron, and Hermione are up to at the moment. Ginny would likely be there though. 

It took much longer than it should of, but in the distance past the marsh I spotted the Weasley's Burrow. It was extremely dark out, but their house was lit up. For the first time in a very long time a true smile formed on my face as I walked even faster, imagining their cozy sitting room and laying on the couch. As I got closer and closer, I noticed Harry and Ron were standing outside. They both jumped and pulled out their wands at the sight of me. "C-Caoimhe?" Harry said lowering his wand. "Is it really you?"

"Of course it's really her, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to get through the barrier!" Ron said quickly while the two of them ran towards me. "Merlin, where have you been!" he said nervously.

"We've been worrying about it since you disappeared," Harry asked frantically. "Everyone's been looking for you! The Order has been searching all summer."

"What happened, where were you?"

"Why are you covered in brusises, you look so unhealthy." They were asking all these questions at once, I took a step but was getting light headed. Harry helped me steady. "Why don't we get you inside first," he said and I nodded.

"I promise I'll answer everything," I said to them as we got into the house. "I am so relieved to finally see you both." Once I got through the door, the warmth took over me. I had been stuck in that dull and freezing cellar all summer. 

The Weasley's house looked pretty packed. I hoped I wouldn't be a burden asking to stay here yet again. "Mum!" Ron called. 

"What is it Ronald?" she asked coming around the corner. She was scrubbing a dish as she entered the room, but when she looked up and saw me she dropped the plate completely and embraced me into a tight hug. I hugged her back.

"Oh dear," she said as she hugged me. "I have been worrying all summer!" 

"Aye look whose back!" Fred said coming around the corner with George...who was missing an ear. I'm sure they would explain everything I had missed. It was nice to see they were all here. Hermione and Ginny were running down the steps, both in their pajamas. Hermione gasped when she saw me.

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