Chapter Thirteen: End of Part One

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What better way than to post chapter 13 on Friday the 13th?

anyway thanks for reading it so far!  I'm glad you all liked it! This is the end to part one x If you liked it, let me know if you want a sequel

Chapter Thirteen: Invisible No More

My eyes fluttered open. I was lying in one of the hospital wing cots. I pulled myself up into a sitting position to see everyone who was around me. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, and Neville were all in the office along with a few professors and an older woman who looked like a Weasley. Ron was seated next to me in the chair beside my bed. "Finally you're awake," Ron said looking over at me.

"What happened?" I asked him. The last thing I remembered was taking the potion. I don't know how much time has passed. I was happy to see Harry alive because I knew he stayed back to fight with them. Was anyone else seriously injured? Before anyone could answer my question, the french doors swung open and in walked Dumbledore. I was so relieved to see him back at Hogwarts. Well there was one positive outcome from this.

Ron explained everything that Harry had told him. Sirius Black was killed. My heart broke for Harry, his only living family member left. He did look rather distraught over in the corner as he was speaking with Lupin. Ron then told me how the Dark Lord was there, and that Harry and Dumbledore battled him. I can't believe I was in the same building as him. I was hoping to hear he was destroyed once and for all, but he escaped along with Bellatrix Lestrange. The Minister and Ministry workers were there to witness it. Everyone now knows that Harry and Dumbledore were right all along, the Dark Lord had returned. "And Caoimhe, about the other day. I'm fine with being just friends," Ron added and I smiled. That was nice to hear. "But I do have to ask," he said looking awkwardly. "Your father is a Death Eater...why didn't you tell us?"

Hermione, Luna, Neville, and Ginny all turned when Ron said that. I was waiting for someone to mention it. "I didn't know until a few days a go. I swear! I knew absolutely nothing. I found my mother's diary and it scared me when I found out...I didn't want to admit it to you guys," I told them.

"You've never met him?" Ginny asked curiously.

"No, I don't even know what he looks like," I added.

"Well is your mother involved?" she pressed.

"No," I said sadly. "She's dead." I was being honest with them for the first time. Ginny said 'is' not 'was', so I didn't have to tell them she was one as well. She did escape them, so she made the right choice in the end. My mother was one of the sweetest people I have ever known and I wanted her to be remembered that way. They looked surprised when I said this.

"We had no idea..." Ron said looking around at them.

"It's fine. I never really talked about it anyway," I replied. By now Ron and Ginny's mother came over to join us as she heard our conversation.

"Well who do you live with?" Ginny asked me once more.

"I live with my brother, but I think he's involved as well. His friends were there, and they kept saying they couldn't wait until my brother found out I was with you all." The thought sent a cold shiver down my body. I hadn't realized how terrified I was to return home after last night.

"Well you can't go and live with him now can you?" Ron added. I shrugged, he was my only relative I had contact with. "What about your aunt?" I shook my head, the aunt I lied about. Ron got the hint and nodded. I would be going back with Colm. Who knew what awaited me. In all honesty, I was absolutely horrified to face him.

"Nonsense," Mrs. Weasley said looking over at me. "You can stay with us for the summer. We have plenty of room." Ron was always complaining how there wasn't enough room. I didn't want to be a burden, but it was much better than going back to Colm. Now that the other Death Eater's knew about me, I wondered what my father would do about it. Reading about him only taught me that he was power hungry and violent. I would be safer with the Weasleys.

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