Chapter Twelve

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Hi everyone! Thanks so much for reading, only one more chapter to go! Can't believe it! But anyways, I hope you enjoy this one. Sorry for any mistakes. I went more with the movie for this one because I really loved the action in it, but I did love the book as well! x Let me know your thoughts!

Chapter Twelve: End of It All

Draco helped me up while pulling me onto my feet. "You're bleeding..." he said motioning to my knee. I shrugged it off, it could have been much worse.

"So are you," I said, noticing his elbow was bleeding. He looked down at it and then ignored it.

"Come on, let's get moving." Draco and I quickly left the area, considering explosions kept going off. I only hoped they were safe on the other side of the newly formed rock wall. Draco and I just needed to find a way to get around to my friends. We walked down the hall, listening to the sound of the fighting going on. So Death Eaters were arriving at the castle.

Not just arriving, they were there, standing in front of me. Nicolai glared over at me and Draco surrounded by another Death Eater. Just as Draco and I got to the stairs, they were blocking us. "Well look who we have here," Nicolai muttered raising his wand. "The girl who always manages to escape me." Neither Draco nor I said a thing, we stood there looking at them while gripping our wands and preparing for an attack. "This time you won't escape, because this time I'm going to kill you."

Nicolai shot a spell at me, but Draco deflected it even before I could. Yet he was preoccupied dealing with the other Death Eater. "Don't you recognize me?" I heard Draco say as he fought the other Death Eater, trying to get the two out of this.

Nicolai ignored him and only focused on me. He sent me flying backwards and I fought to get up, shooting as many spells as I could but they didn't seem to slow him down. They only made him angrier. Getting back to my feet I ran closer to the stairs, hoping for a way to get more room to move. He followed me as we were on the edge, the staircase had just left us. He shot another spell at me and I ducked, just missing it as I shot one up at him. By now I was even more wounded from the constant falling to the ground. I was getting tired and had to think fast. "Magoar!" I screamed closing my eyes and aiming my wand. 

The spell was from that rare spell book and I wasn't too sure of it's outcome. Quickly opening my eyes, Nicolai was bleeding from the spot the spell his him. I yelled it again, pointing it at his leg and he began bleeding from there, as if I knife was being stabbed in him. I had caught him off guard, but not long enough. 

"Avada-" he began to say.

"Magoar!" I screamed aiming directly at his chest. Before he could finish saying the killing curse, his face went blank as a knife wound appeared in his chest. He dropped his wand, looking at me in shock. Even I was a bit shocked. He stuttered back and forth in his place, gripping his chest and then he stepped back completely losing balance and falling off the steps. I froze in shock. 

Turning over to Draco, he had managed to hold off the Death Eater rather well but the man ran off after watching Nicolai fall from the steps. Draco rushed over to me. "What spell was that?" he asked me frightened himself.

"I just killed someone..." I said horrified.

"No you didn't," Draco said shaking his head.

"Yes I did!" I responded standing up. "I-I killed someone." I began pacing in my spot. As much as I hated Nicolai, I couldn't believe I was responsible for the death of someone.

"No I saw him slip," Draco said tried to make me feel better. "Besides, he was going to kill you anyway, wasn't he? If not you, one of your friends. Now come on let's keep moving. We don't want anymore encounters." Draco had to help guide me from my spot as we met with the stairs, going down a few levels. 

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