Chapter Nine

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Shorter chapter than usual, but I hope you like it x (Also if you're binge reading this at 2 in the morning, don't forgot to take a little break. Get some water or stretch your legs! - from a binge reader)

Chapter Nine: Unexpected Surprises

News spread quickly throughout Hogwarts. Everyone knew that Cathal and I had broken up and they also knew about Draco nearly bleeding to death in the abandoned girls bathroom. They knew he was in the hospital, but didn't know it was Harry who did it. Only few knew what Harry really did. He tried to explain it to me, but I still couldn't believe him. How could he use a spell he's never heard of on another person? Hermione agreed with me at least. Her and Ginny convinced Harry to give up the old potions book he found with all of the written notes in it. When I found out about that, I was a little upset that he used it to win all of Slughorn's potion competitions and slightly envious of all the cool notes he got to read. A part of me wanted to read it, but then I decided against even asking because I would probably get drawn into it as well. At least that was smart of Harry to get rid of it. Who knew what else was hidden in that book.

Late one night past curfew, I decided to visit Draco. I don't know what came over me but I just had to go tell him that Harry wasn't thinking straight and hoped he didn't think I had any part in it. I know he linked me to them. I'm not even sure why I cared what he thought, but I went anyway. I knew ways of getting around the castle because I knew the prefect schedule, being a prefect myself. When I arrived at the Hospital Wing I unlocked the door and stepped in to see Draco was the only one in there. He looked like he was sleeping. The moonlight shining through the windows was the only source of light but I could see him clearly. "Draco?" I whispered. His grey eyes snapped opened.

"Caoimhe," he said blinking and looking confused. He used my first name. That was new. "Why are you here?"

"I saw what happened to you," I said quickly. I noticed he was still covered in bandages.

"Did you?" he muttered coldly. "Bloody Potter almost killed me."

"I know," I said nodding and sitting in the seat next to him. "He didn't mean it, he was just acting without thinking and that was stupid of him." Draco's eyes brightened a bit when he saw that I didn't side with Harry.

"Yeah he'll get what he deserves," Draco added coldly. "Anything else you wanted?"

"No that was it," I answered wondering why I even bothered coming here in the first place. "I'll leave then," I said, going to stand up.

"Well you don't have to go," Draco said surprisingly. Draco always surprised me. I stayed in my seat. He was so complicated. He pushed me away, but then wanted me to stay. "Heard about you and the Head Boy?" he said turning and looking at me.

"Heard what?" I asked with a smirk, wondering why he was even bringing it up.

"You're over," he said with a smirk of his own. "Was it because of when he saw us in the hallway? Looked pissed, didn't he?" I rolled my eyes.

"No it wasn't that," I answered honestly.

"Then what? You two were the same person, so clearly you had nothing to argue over."

"Well trust me there's things to argue over." He asked me again, but I didn't tell him. 

"Was it the letter?" Draco asked.

"What?" I asked quickly, feeling my eyes widen.

"That's it. You did that look. It was the letter, you're trying to hide it from him too?"

"The letter was nothing," I lied while looking away.

"I don't believe you," Draco said. He looked up at me. "I know you're not going to tell me, but just know that it's clear your lying." How could he tell I was lying? I hid it so well from everyone else, well except for Cathal, who broke up with me for that reason. "Fine, don't tell me." 

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