End of Part Two: Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: The Ultimate End

How could this happen? I followed in my fathers footsteps, unable to resist. The battle was going on around me, but I could do nothing to help. We left the castle and walked the grounds. I could barely see through the tears in my eyes. As we kept walking, I saw the entrance to the Forbidden Forest. Not long after I saw the shadows of people in the distance and as we got closer there were a few familar faces. A very pissed looking Nicolai, who was glaring in my direction, stood in front of me. Quickly his face went back to normal as my father got closer, so he was afraid of someone.

Colm was looking at me frightened, shaking his head as if he warned me. His look said, 'look what you've gotten yourself into now'. Bellatrix Lestrange wore a proud smirk when our eyes met, clearly she remembered me from last year's event. Other Death Eaters stood around as my father turned to look at me. "The mission was a success I believe?" he said to all of them.

"Yes indeed," Bellatrix said with a dark laugh. "Ah, here they come!" I turned to look over my shoulder as two figures arrived. I felt like I was hit by the Hogwarts Express when their faces came into the light. 

Snape. My favorite professor, the professor I trusted all these years and looked up to. The one all my friends believed to be a terrible person, but I always saw him as good. As he looked at me, I saw a flash of shock in his eyes but he quickly looked away without a care in the world. 

Then there was Draco. That one hurt most. Draco was with the Death Eaters. Harry was right. So many thoughts blurred through my mind. He was lucky I couldn't move on my own free will, because I would have stunned him right then. My eyes locked on his grey ones as he looked frightened. Mine turned into a dark glare. I had never felt more anger towards a person in my entire life. I trusted him. He led me on all along. He was a Death Eater. My eyes moved away, not even having the ability to look at him anymore. "Well then we must go," my father said looking to the crowd. "As you can see, we have a new guest." He motioned to me.

"But we're missing one," a Death Eater spoke up looking around.

"Ah yes," my father said. "He's dead. I saw him laying in the hallway and gave him a nudge, but he wasn't breathing. Now we must go." My father couldn't care less about the death of one of his own. Quickly he gripped onto my wrist and I felt the awful feeling of apparating. 

I was no longer at Hogwarts, I wondered what my friends would think when I was no where to be found. I hit the cold stone floor as my father let go of my wrist and walked away. We were gathered in a fancy hall. The floor was marble and the furniture looked extremely expensive. It was clear to me where we were, Mafloy Manor. Looking around I spotted the Malfoy family crest hanging on the wall. Looking up, my father was pointing his wand at me as he broke the imperius curse. I leapt up from the floor and backed against the wall. 

Everyone was arriving at the same time and all looked over at me with mixed reactions. Snape was cold faced and showing no emotion. Bellatrix looked like she was ready for excitement and torture. Draco and Colm both looked rather frightened actually. "What do you want with me?" I muttered horrified. Why couldn't he have just left me at Hogwarts.

"You have a lot of information, being friends with Potter," he added with a dark laugh. "How disgraceful. A child of mine friends with him." Bellatrix and a few others joined him with a laugh. 

"Lock her in the dungeon for now," he motioned over to one of the older, scary, looking Death Eaters. He was clever. He knew that if he had Colm or Draco do it, it would be possible they would help me. Although I'm not sure about Draco anymore. I lost all of my trust in him. "I have questions for her in the morning, for now, I have more to attend too." With one last dark glance, he turned and apparated away.

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