Chapter Ten

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This chapter is going to be mainly her mother's back story, back to Hogwarts in the next chapter.

I would like to point out that Kyla (TheGirlBehindACamera) wrote the parts from when Caoimhe storms back into her dorm room all the way to the end of the memory to save me from writers block. Her ideas have really helped me! Love it, thanks Kyla!

Chapter Ten: One Last Meeting

For the first time in my life I considered skipping class. I couldn't think straight after what had happened, but going to class would at least distract me in some way. My mother was a Death Eater. If I sat here in my dorm room I would be thinking about it and driving myself mad. So I went to class. History of Magic was always so dry, usually I raised my hand every time but today I didn't have the motivation to lift it off the desk. So much for being distracted. Usually, it seemed like the rest of the class was asleep. Transfigurations was very strange today, we only read about transfiguration. McGonagall seemed down, but then again Umbridge was Headmistress. These weren't the classes I knew. Leaving class that day I was planning on heading straight back to my dorm. Umbridge pretty much was out on a hunt to get people in trouble so lately everyone was hiding in their common rooms. I noticed Ron was walking in the same direction I was from the end of the hall.

I quickly turned and picked up my step a little bit. I did like Ron, I really did. Only as a friend though and I didn't want to lead him on or anything. Maybe if we didn't hang out so much he would forget about me? Possibly he could find someone else he liked. Plus I wasn't in the mood right now to fake being cheerful, I would rather hide in the room and sulk to myself. "Caoimhe!" I heard him call. "Wait up!" 

I turned slowly to see Ron catching up to me. Biting my tongue, I turned and gave Ron a quick smile. "Hi Ron," I said to him.

"Are you heading off to lunch? We should walk together," Ron said brightly. 

"Actually I was just going to go back to my dorm," I explained and his face fell. 

"Another time then?" Ron asked and I couldn't help but nod. Hermione was walking our way, she looked hesitant to stop but I smiled over at her. She looked at Ron and I could see a little bit of hurt in her eyes. "Oh Hermione, are you heading down to the Great Hall?" he asked her. Hermione shook her head.

"No I'm going to drop off a book in the library," Hermione said looking down.

"Alright well I will see you both later than." Ron sighed and walked away. Hermione and I both turned around to continue walking. 

"He really likes you," Hermione said quietly. She was a great friend, I didn't want to make her feel bad either. Ron probably didn't even realize Hermione liked him. Hell, I'm sure Hermione didn't even realize she liked him. 

"I know." I sighed and Hermione looked over at me with a puzzle expression. "I don't feel the same though. I really do like Ron as a friend, I just don't know what to say." Hermione's face immediately brightened without her even noticing. I smiled. "What do I do?"

"You're asking the wrong person," Hermione said with a small laugh. "I can't say I'm a relationship expert." 

"How I feel exactly." I quietly laughed. Hermione and I walked in the same direction since the library was on the way to Ravenclaw tower. We said goodbye to one another and I went straight up to the tower. It was currently empty because of lunch, but I'm sure not long after that everyone would be back here. 

Being in my dorm room was driving me insane. The book was sitting in my trunk, waiting to be finished but I didn't feel ready. It killed me to read those words written by her hand. Looking over my shoulder I realized I had a few books to return to the library anyways. The walk would give me something to do so I headed down to the library that night. I dropped them off and started walking back to my dorm when I spotted Harry and Ron coming my way, they must have been on their way to dinner. "Hey Caoimhe," Harry greeted me.

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