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"Maddie.. Lassie... Wake up", I heard some one calling into my ear.

"5 more minutes mom", I said.

"I am not your mother, Maddie", I heard Jack almost burst out laughing.

I jumped out of bed and slapped my hand over my mouth.

"I am sorry Jack", I said.

"No your fine, that's my response to Mark every morning", Jack said with a smile. "No but seriously you need to get dress your training starts today",.

"Training?", I asked raising a eye brows.

"Of course, as a member of the gamer family you must be in love or at least good at games", Jack replied. "I know your gonna do just fine today",.

"Cool", I said. "Will Mark or you be training us?",.

"Me and Mark are like the dynamic duo so we both are training you", Jack said. I put on a long sleeve tshirt that said "Part of the Gamer Family".

I also put on a pair of leggings and some combat boots that was given too me.

"Hey Maddie what color do you want your controller?", Jack asked.

"Um.. We get our own controllers?!", I asked.

"Yea",Jacks said. "A controller is the first step to gaming victory",.

"I guess... Can I have different colors on mine?", I asked.

"Like neon?", Jack asked.

"Yup", I said.

Jack handed me a controller and I gasped at its color (pic of controller above).

"Thank you so much Jack", I said. "Where did you get this?",.

"We have people who specially make them for every member of the gaming family", Jack said. "Every time we get new members of the family we quickly order controllers",.

"Thanks pretty cool", I said.

"Come on Mark and the others are in the training area", Jack said. "We are gonna train you in combat and then gaming",.

"I'm pretty strong", I said.

Jack threw a punch and I caught it with my hand before it was about to hit my face.

"Strong reflexes", Jack said.

"Thanks", I said. "What does your controller look like?",.

Jack showed me this:

"That looks fricken amazing!", I said

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"That looks fricken amazing!", I said.

"I know, but your gonna like Marks too it's amazing", Jack said.

I decided to ask Jack about the turn backwards photo on the wall I had seen the day before.

"Jack can I ask you a question?", I asked.

"Sure, Maddie, what is it?", Jack asked.

"You have to cross your heart that you won't tell Mark or anyone that I asked you this okay?", I said.

"Okay okay I cross my heart now what is it?", Jack asked fixing his hat and placing a hand over his heart.

"Who is that girl with Mark in the photo facing the wall?", I asked.

"Oh, that is his old girlfriend who was taken away a long time ago because she fought against Felix about the family system", Jack said. "She got hauled to jail",.

"Oh my god", I said covering my mouth with my hand.

"And you have to promise me that I said nothing to you about that topic, lassie", Jack said. "Mark would kill me if he found out that I told you",.

"Come on let's get to the training then", I said. We ran out of the room and I locked it behind us and I put it in my boot for safe keeping. I followed Jack down through halls upping halls until we reached the training area. There Mark stood tapping his foot and had a angry expression on his face. oh crap....

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