The Zipline Test

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I followed Jack, Mark, and the rest of the new comers into a sort of cave hall before we came to a huge opening with a zipline that went across a huge space and below were lunch tables and people were waving at us.

"Welcome to the Gamer Cave where you will be sharing your meals white the other members with the Gamer Family", Mark said. "We are gonna treat you guys like children so you guys need to eat together",.

Hatter seemed to be staying very close and he was sorta creepy but in a nice kinda way.

"Now one at a time you guys are gonna zipline to the other side where your sleeping quarters will be", Mark said. "People who don't do it will be going to the No Family Zone where you will be stuck having having a tea party with Pewdiepie and do any of you want that?",.

"NO SIR", We all yelled.

"Who will be the first?", Mark asked.

"I will", I said.

"Maddie, good job, you should take example on this new comers, this isn't a show off she shows courage, and I like it", Jack said. I walked up and Jack put me in a harness before handing me the handle.

"Ready?", Jack asked. I nodded that I was and the Jack shoved me over the ledge and I zoomed over the people eating who were now on there feet cheering. When I got to the other side a boy with dark hair unhooked me from the zip line and I could see the new comers from the other side cheering and Mark and Jack clapping. I waited and watched as one at a time a new person would come over and praise me or ask me how I was so brave and I would reply "Because it will help me in the long run",.

I could tell by the look on Marks face that he was trying to test me and trying to see if I was really as strong as I came out to be. Mark and Jack were the last ones to come over and of course both did a back flip which looked epically cool. After Jack was unharnessed, Mark lead us down another long hall way that had a bunch of rooms on either end.

"Everyone choose your room mate and there has to be one girl and one boy in each cabin", Mark instructed but flagged me down for me to come over to him.

"Hey, Mark, what's going on?", I said.

"Jack and I have a extra room in our area do you want it?", Mark asked.

"Of course sir", I said.

"Mark?", Mark corrected but chuckled.

"Right sorry Mark, sir", I said. Mark let out a soft chuckle.

"Your gonna do just fine, kid", Mark said. I followed him out of the new comers bed area and down another stair well to a huge steel door. I let out a gasp.

"Oh don't worry this is just to make sure that if some body wanted to kill either Jack and Me they could never do or get past this door", Mark said. He pulled out a golden key and unlocked the door allowing me to go in. I saw a bed that had green and blue stripes.

"That's Jacks bed, that is my bed", Mark said pointing to a black and red plaid bed.

"Very Manly", I said.

"You think?", Mark says.

"Yea", I replied.

"Your room is this way", Mark said.

"Why am I getting a special room?", I asked. "If you don't mind me asking",.

"Because you seem to be different from the other new people", Mark replied. "You are more than welcome to sleep with the new people",.

"No, I was just wondering", I asked. Mark lead me past a door way and to a nice bed with a yellow bed sheet.

I jumped on Mark with a hug with out thinking.

"Thank you, thank you Mark", I said. Mark stood stiff until his muscles relaxed and he gave in into my hug.

"Your more than welcome", Mark said. "A girl like you deserves a better roommate then a mad Hatter",.

"Your telling me, do you know him?", I asked.

"He is a good friend of Skys son and has always been that weird kid but this is the first time I have see the kid in a long time", Mark said. "Well, hey everyone is at lunch would you care to join them?",.

"Sure, let's go", I said smiling.

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