What Were your Test Results?

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I woke up the next morning and my eye was starting to feel better, I got up and got dressed in black shorts and a Super Mario shirt that Jack had sat by my bed. I also put on some sneakers.After I got dressed I noticed that no one else was up and Mark and Jack were still sleeping. I walked over to Jack who laid shirtless in his bed and tapped him on the shoulder. He moved and twitch and then looked at me with one eye.

"Hey, Maddie, are you okay?", Jack said sitting up in bed.

"Yea, I'm fine, what time is it?", I asked.

"Well it 6 in the morning but thanks for waking me up we can go get a head start on breakfast", Jack said.

"Your welcome I had no idea", I said.

"Did you sleep okay?", Jack asked as he got out of bed and put on a black tshirt and black shorts and some sneakers.

"I slept great actually after you talked to me almost all night", I said. "I should be really asking you how you slept",.

"Well then I slept like a child that got hit by a rock meaning that I slept great", Jack said causing me to laugh. I laughed to loud and Mark woke up.

"Hey... Hey what's going on?", Mark asked.

"Maddie, woke me up just in time to get down to the Gamer Cave and get me aome food, care to join us?", Jack offered.

"Sure", Mark said as he began to get ready and put on a black long sleeve shirts and black shorts and sneakers. Once we were all ready we walked out of our room and down the hall past the other trainee bunkers where you could hear loud snores escape from the rooms.

"Boy, they sure were tuckered out last night", Jack said in a whispered.

"What did you guys do?", I asked.

"I had them play video games until there thumbs were sore", Jack said. " I had to send a guy to the nurse last night to get him a wrist brace",.

"Wow, so gaming is taken really seriously", I said laughing quietly.

"Yup, Jack and I have built a empire and there are plenty more of guys like you that have been here for a long time", Mark explained. " What were your test results?",.

"50% gamer, why do you ask?", I said glaring at Mark and Jack.

"Are you sure you were 50% gamer?", Jack said. "Don't lie to us",.

"Why would I lie to you? I am 50% gamer", I said.

"Maddie, follow me, I wanna show you something", Mark said grabbing my wrist and not letting go Jack walked behind me and Mark pulled me down the hall and to a door that read MEDIC.

"Why did you bring me here?", I asked.

"To see what you were results were", Mark said. "Something seems off",.

"What seems off what are you talking about?", I said. Stuff escalated quickly. All I remember is that a doctor who was called Minx shot Mark, Jack, and I with the testing serum. The way we took tests was in our brains so who ever was monitoring my brain can see what I see. The test is suppose to use my fears against me and I have a huge fear of tests like this. This is gonna be interesting to see MArk and Jack in my mind.

AUTHORS NOTE: I know its very confusing but Mark and Jack and Maddie are all going into Maddies mind and watch as Maddie complete a test and truly finds out what family her test results were an remember this book is biased off of the movie Divergent so I recommend to check it out if you haven't seen it.


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