In Marks Mind

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Maddies P.O.V
I seriously could not believe that Mark and Jack were divergent. Up to these past few days did I even know the meaning of divergent at all!
Stuff was coming at me super fast.

"You guys don't seem like divergents though", I questioned. "How can we be for sure?",.

"You can't tell if your divergent on the way you look or the way you act..", Jack began but Mark stopped him.

"That's not true, you can tell by the way you act ,Madison, our brains work in complex ways and the things we say can sometimes categorize a person as", Mark said. "But Jack is right on not being able to see the physical appearance",.

"But we do need to start working on how you test", Jack said.

"I forgot to tell you about this test thing", Mark said with a sigh. "Felix requires all new member of every family to take a test and make sure they are in the right family",.

"But this test also tries to see if you are divergent or not so we have to teach you how to act like a normal gamer",Jack explained. "But first things first, you have to treat every test like your life depends on it, no matter how scared you are",.

"In order to be a gamer you have to be some what fearless and a good problem solver", Mark said.

"I'm scared what if I mess up", I said.

"It could mean life or death but no pressure", Jack said placing his hand on my shoulder. "You are a strong lassie and we are gonna get through this and live a happy life, I promise",.

"Let's go practice at Minx's office", Mark said. "Maddie I can show you what exactly goes on inside my brain, and I can show you how you can dominate your fears",.

I follows Mark out the room door and Jack stayed close behind. We walked quickly and swiftly to Minx's office and opened the door to see Minx going over a stack of papers.

"Why hello Maddie, it's so good to see you back here", Minx said getting up. "Hello Mark and Jack",.

"I was wondering if you could do a test on me", Mark said. "I want to show Maddie how to get over her fear and how I got over mine",.

"YEE, I love it when you get tested because your mind is really complex and..", Minx's voice began to trail off before she realized how crazy she looked. "My apologizes my mind likes to wander, we can get you tested right away,sir",.

Mark chuckled at Minx's now red face. We all sat down in the chairs before.

"Mark are you sure you want me to be inside your brain?", I asked reassuringly.

"Yea, why not?", Mark said. "I wouldn't let just anyone into the one and old commander of the Gamer Family and I surely would let Jack in",.

Jack smiled at Mark and I.

"Next after this you can see what is in my head", Jack said.

Minx gave Mark the shoot in the neck first then Jack and I. My eyes shut and I opened then to see Mark standing in front of me and Jack was besides me.

"Madison, a fear isn't something that defines you its just something holding you back", Mark said. "No matter how scary it is",.

We were standing in complete darkness.

"Marks first fear is dolls or people like figures that aren't alive", Jack whispered to me. I could hear Mark cussing underneath his breath but then I heard a scream and a light turned on and a doll sat in the middle of the room.

Mark was frozen then began to walk towards it.

"You must face your fear head on", Mark said loudly. Mark picked up the doll. "You might be missing something",.

Soon when I blinked we were now in a chamber. And a girl with brown hair sat in a chair. And a table sat in front of her with a gun.

"Who is that?", I asked Jack.

"It's my girlfriend that Felix took away", Mark said looking at me with anger in his eyes.

"Don't worry he isn't angry at you", Jack said reassuring me in a whisper.

Then Felix appeared next to the lady in the chair. 

"Mark, shoot her", Felix demanded.

"Another weakness of mine is obeying a order", Mark said grabbing the gun and putting it up to the girls head quickly pulling the trigger. There was a loud bang noise and now we were in a large room. You could see Jack laying dead on the floor but Jack was also standing next to me.

"Marks last fear is seeing his friends dead", Jack said. "This one means a lot to him but in this task you must not cry",.

I could see that Marks face was turning red from the emotion in himself.

Then bam! We were back in the real world. Mark gasped as he looked at me and Jack.

"Those things scare me more than anything", Mark said frowning.

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