After the Test

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After the body's were cleared off of the testing floor Pewdiepie would call a name like nothing happened. After about a hour of waiting the testing was over. I got out of my seat as the family's and their leaders dismissed and walked over to Mark and Jack who were smiling.

"Mark Jack, did I do good", I asked.

"You did more than good, Madison, you did excellent", Mark said. "Come on let's go home",.

Mark and Jack got up from their places and I followed them out of the huge testing building as we collided with other family's giving me a chance to spot my brother. I quickly ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hey Maddie", Fred said. "how are you?",.

"I'm fine just a little shaken from the test that's all", I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"PewDiePie did have a right to shoot those idiot divergents, I mean come on he is trying to keep the Family system safe", Fred said with a grim look on his face.

I took a step back and gave a nervous smile before saying goodbye and dashing off to find Mark and Jack and the rest of my Family.As I was running I accidentally collided into some one. I landed on them after falling.

"Jesus...", I muttered opening my eyes and seeing that I landed on Link Neal, one of the leaders of the Nerds. I quickly scurried up to my feet and helped Link us.

"well where are off to in such a hurry?", Link asked crossing his arms.

"Trying to get to the gamer family sir", I said smiling then frowning. "I'm sorry for colliding into you, it won't happen again I swear",.

"You are human and we all make mistakes even if it means that you just totally ran over me", Link said with a chuckle. "Well I have to go but please tell your leaders that I said hi, won't ya?",.

"Okay good bye", I said.

"See ya later", Link said walking away. I quickly and carefully this time made my way to the gamer family train just before it left. I wondered were the guys were.

Marks P.O.V
When Madison completed the test a wave of relief came over me as Felix congratulated her. I could see that Jack was glad too. He fixed his glasses and a tear did come down his face. I clapped and cheered. After wards when we began to walk with Madison she disappeared in the crowd. Jack and I didn't notice until we got onto the train back home. I then heard Madison's voice calling Jack and I. I turned around and saw Madison stepping from the crowd. Madison fell into my arms.

"Mark...I'm safe", Madison said.

"I'm so glad", I said. "My heart was pounding out of my chest",.

Madison looked at me and smiled. I then understood what was happening. Crap..not again... I was in love. I couldn't be in love with a divergent. Crap, Crap....I held her close to me as Jack talked to the trainees and Dr. Minx. The train came to a stop and we got off and walked into the Gamer Cave. I let Madison go and she hugged Jack and then let go.

"Can I go to our room?", Madison asked.

"Sure, you don't really need to ask", I told Madison chuckling and watching her scurry away.

Jack walked over to me.

"So we saved one of our own", Jack said grinning. "You like her don't you?",.

"No... No.. I don't what made you think that?", I said blushing.

"Because, I KNOW BY THOSE EYES", Jack said laughing.


"Okay geez calm down, I'm only playing around, lighten up", Jack said frowning. "I'm just saying that we are more like those uncles that everyone loves and like we're like the cool UNCLES",.

"Yea remember when we had that baby sitter named um.... Vicki", Mark said. "She sucked",.

"I know", Jack said. "Come on let's go get this fancy crap off and I wanna take a nap",.

Why did I say that about Madison anyway? God.

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