Choosing a Family

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I woke up to my mothers voice echoing through our hut.

"Madison, wake up my dear", My mother said into my ear. I turned over and looked into my mothers blue eyes. "Come on dear please get up our your gonna be late for the ceremony",.

"Yes, mother", I said getting up. I put on my white tshirt and jeans which was the dress code while in the vlogging family which I was born into. My father is the right hand man of Tyler, so I know Tyler fairly well. The previous day I had taken the huge text to tell which group I should choose and I got my results which were that I was 50% Gamer, 10% Viner, 10% Minecrafters, 20% Nerd,10% Vlogger. I had decided to go into the Gamer family. Yes, it will probably surprise my parents that I don't want to stay in the vlogging family but I had always dreamed of being a part of the Gamer family.

I walked out of my bedroom and into the dining room where there was salad on the table for breakfast and my father was talking about the other families to my mother who was washing the dishes. I took my stop at the table next to my twin brother, Fred, who had the same blonde hair, and hazel eyes I had. I began to eat as I listened to my fathers morning ramble to my mother.

"I tell you, Hazel, these Viners are monsters and the go almost against the system of the families and why they were created", My father said shoving a fork of salad into his mouth. My mother looked over at me and smiled before drying her hands off and joining us at the table. My fathers eyes met mine as a smile appeared on his face.

"Maddie, are you ready for today? It's gonna be a big day", My father said.

"I am ready, I'm just nervous out what you guys will think", I spoke softly picking around my salad.

"Honey, no matter what your test results were and what ever you choose, your gonna be fine", My father said. "Your mother and I will hold nothing against you. Family before blood.",.

I smiled and then we heard a air horn sound outside causing us to walk outside. A giant screen was over us with Tylers face on it.

"Hello families today is the big day for our new generations to pick there true families and I trust that you, as a member to this society make the right decision and with this please start heading to the ceremonial building where we will find out the new members of the families will be", Tyler said and the screen over our heads disappeared.
I let out a sigh. My whole life had been leading up to this moment and now it was finally here. I gave my mother and father a quick hug before me and my brother ran to the ceremonial building which stood in the center of our whole world as we knew it. When we arrived at the building I hugged my brother before we walked in and sat in the Vloggers section which was filled with white sparkling tshirts and jeans. My brother and I held hands as we watched the other families fill the room. You could see the green tshirts of the Viners that wore a white V on there t-shirts, the light blue sweaters that the Nerds wore, the black tshirts the Minecrafters wore, and the hot pink shirts the Gamers wore.

The rotunda room was filled with small conversations before we all saw Pewdiepie standing in the middle of the room.

"Good morning my children", Pewdipie said.

"Good morning Pewdiepie", we all said together.

"Everyone seems to be in a great mood so let's get started as your fantastic family leaders come out", Pewdiepie said as the family leaders came out and sat in front of the bowls with the family name on them. We had to come up and cut our hand over the family bowl that we wanted to choose and a drop of blood had to fall into the bowl. We cheered at the leaders and I kept my eyes glued to Mark and Jack who were also wearing pink shirts to match there own family. Jack had lime hair and blue eyes while Mark had red hair and brown eyes that people say are amazing. I had never talked to them in my life but my father says that they are very friendly.
Mark and Jack sat next to Rhett and Link who were very kind with each other and you could see them making small talk. We stopped clapping as Pewdiepie called each of us one at a time to make a decision and each time the person should make a choose on a family the family that was chosen went nuts?!

"Madison Mattson", Pewdiepie said causing my body to freeze as the room went silent and the family leaders eyes were all on me. My brother shoved me down to the platform where the bowls sat I tripped and fell causing people to laugh but Pewdiepie helped me upand shushed the laughing people. I walked slowly but quickly up to the bowls and looked at the leaders faces. All were smiling and welcoming but I looked over at Jack who was looking at me and smiling with the biggest smile ever. I grabbed the knife and cut my had causing it to start to burn. I held it over the Gamers bowl and a drop touched the bowl. This causing the Gamers to go crazy and then I looked over at Mark who had a pink shirt in his hand.

"Welcome to the Gamer family, I can't wait to get to know you", Mark said.

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