We Gotta Teach Her

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Jacks P.O.V
Mark and I left Minx in the room with Maddie while me and Mark tried to think of any ideas. I hated going behind Felix's back but it's what I had to do. I had to do it for Marks sake because that guy has been through to much already and Mark and I care for Maddie a lot. Her father use to talk about her all the time to Mark and I. He told us that she had something in her that was special. He sure as crap was right.

"So now we're gonna be fugitives?", I asked Mark once we got into the hall.

"No, I'm just saying that we teach her", Mark says. "I forgot to tell her about the test",.

"Oh the big test", I replied raising a eye brow and crossing my arms. The test Mark was talking about is basically a test Felix forces all new members of each family to take to make sure they are in the correct family or if they are divergent. You can take a lucky guess at what happens to the divergents. Yup, they get slaughtered where they stand.

Yea that test", Mark said. "If she completes it the gamer way there won't be any problems and she stays with us but if she completes the test like today run Felix will find out for sure and then me and you have a rope around our necks",.

I rubbed my neck with my right hand as the though made me shake.

"So we are doing this for Maddies sake?", I asked.

"Yea", Mark said. "And I know she can do the test like a gamer, I mean I have done it before...",.

"You what?!", I questioned Mark putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh what nothing I said nothing", Mark stuttered. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder.

"I will take care of Maddie, you go keep a eye on the trainees and I think today you can put them with the regular members of the family today", I said. "They need to be taught by other people or they will never listen to orders",.

"Okay, you keep a eye on Madison okay?", Mark said as he began to start walking down the hall.

"Okay, good luck to ya", I replied as I went back into the medic office and saw Minx and Maddie just sitting there talking and having a grand old time.

"What you lassies talking about?", Jack asked.

"Oh just life in general", Maddie replied smiling. "How lucky we are to have you guys, where did Mark go?",.

"To handle the trainees", I said. "We still have jobs ya know?",.

"Yea, yea, I know", Maddie chuckled rolling her eyes.

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