t w o ; "theres a boy in the living room and he looks.... nice..."

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Marie's POV

So the next day I woke up, as usual - late. It was around 3PM when I got out of bed, it wasn't like I was sleeping in or anything I just plainly didn't want to get up, just like yesterday I performed the same meaningless actions. Bowl, Cheerios, milk, Twitter, procrastination. I waited for my mom to come down and instruct me like she did yesterday so i could start my fifth step but she didn't. About 30 minutes later she came running down the stairs, calling all of my siblings names, almost forgetting me.

"Okay! So as you all know, dad is visiting today. And he is holding one of his annual barbecues, so I thought why not have a little pool party aswell. I've got alot to do today so I made you all lists. Split up into two teams - one buys all the supplies - the other invites and preps. Here are the lists and my credit card, i'll be back at 5. Get it done." My mom handed over a bag to my older sister, Eva which is ironic because she's a hot mess.

"Okay so - Nathan, Rosie, and Marie. Here, buy all of these" Eva handed me a long ass list and moms credit card. Rosie, my three year old devil - oops I mean sister ran up to me and clung onto my leg. I took no hesitation to kick my leg and she slipped off me. "Let's just go," I sighed grabbing the keys out of Nathan's hand and walking up to the car he was given for his sixteenth birthday but he never used so it was handed down to me.

I slid into the drivers seat and clicked in my seatbelt as Nathan struggled with Rosie's car seat. "I hate this family," he huffed slamming his body down in the chair beside me. "Join the damn club." I rolled my eyes before stepping on the gas and backing out of the driveway. No one was talking the entire drive, Rosie played on her LeapPad, and left us in peace as annoying pop songs played from the radio.

Eventually we parked in the half empty Walmart parking lot and headed inside, going straight to what Rosie would call the "fun" section.

"Okay first off the list, pool noodles." Nathan read off the folded white piece of paper.

"Ah, here." I walked over to a tall box and grabbed about seven along with two beach balls.

"Beautiful okay... umm... here, balloons." I grabbed 2 packs and one more just incase Eva decided to be smartass and use one of her brilliant life hacks.

So we went on about the store grabbing everything my mom wanted that ranged from tampons to watermelon only loosing Rosie twice.

We checked out of the store a little later than I would've liked but regardless we just drove home and got ready for hell.


"Why are you guys so late!" Eva screamed at us, Nathan and I just stood in the doorway with the blankest expressions.

Eva, my older brother Aaron, and my younger brother Matt rushed out of the front door grabbing the bags from my open trunk.

I sighed to Nathan and he rolled his eyes in response. I walked straight into the house and sat in one of the couches, picking up a journal I accidentally left there the the other night. Nathan came around and sat on the long couch. The first thing he touched was the PS3.

Eva and her bossiness didn't bother us but what got us out of the trance is when I looked up from my journal - not because I wanted too because my eyes were getting blurry - I saw my neighbours walking in the direction of our house.

"Fuck shit fuck shit" I cursed throwing my journal behind me before standing up and running up the stairs as fast as possible. Nathan did the same, once he realized that someone could've stabbed me.

"Can we just hide in here forever?" I locked the bathroom door and collapsed against it immediately, ugh exercise.

"No, moms gonna ground us forever."

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