t w e n t y - f o u r; "the indian ocean!?"

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Marie's POV

"Thanks again, Cal. I swear I haven't stopped smiling since Sunday."

"No problem, princess, that's what I'm here for." He smiled, I kissed him quick one last time. His lips were a drug no questions asked. Grabbing his hand and squeezing it before etting it go, "bye" I dragged the word, looking over my shoulder before entering my house again.

I smiled to myself, dropping my head back against the door. I had found my Jack.

"Where were you?" My mothers voice cut through my thoughts, making me jump on the spot.


"Where were you? You've been missing since Monday." She said, her tone growing more aggravated. "Oh, I thought Eva told you. I went on a trip with my friends." I said proudly, trying to sell it but hell, she knew I was lying. When was the last time she's seen me with another human that was not realted to me?

"Oh she went on a roadtrip with her boyfriend" Nathan came down the stairs, y eyes went wide and a gasp escaped my dry ips, not helping my argument.


"I didn't! I went-"

"You went on a roadtrip with a boy, in a car, for a week!"

"we stayed in a house for half of the trip!"



"What are you guys fighting about?"  Eva came down rubbing her eyes, Eva and I haven't always had an amazing history together but right now, in this moment, I've never hated her more. "You being a little snitch!" I yelled.

"Marie! Give it."

"Give what?"

"Phone, computer, you're grounded for a week!" My mom said approaching me, taking my phone out of my hands and sending Nathan to go and get my laptop. "Your being insane!" I exclaimed, oh fuck I was going down.

"Your the one who practically left the country for a week!"

"We live on an island! Where did you think I went? the Indian Ocean?!"

"2 weeks! Wanna make it three?"

At that moment I just sighed, walking up the stairs and to my room, collapsing onto my bed. What am I gonna do?

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