t h i r t y - o n e; sweet poison.

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Calum's POV

I wasn't very excited to see Michael again, but I didn't have that much of a choice. I had to go to band practice. So I walked over to where Luke's house was, and just my fucking luck - turning into his subdivision Marie walked out of her house.

She was wearing short black shorts and a flannel tied around her, along with a black t-shirt with white rings. Her black hair was a bit longer then before and she just in general looked a lot hotter.

She looked suprised when she saw me, and as fucking much as I'd love to pretend I didn't see her and keep walking - she spoke.

"Hey, Calum" the sound of her saying my name made my heart jump. "I was just about to take these over to Luke's. He just went there for band practice, can you bring them to him?" Marie asked me taking out some headphones from behind her back.

"You have legs." I spat at her and continued walking. She just shut the door behind her and trailed behind me, making no effort to keep up with me. In 10 seconds we had reached Luke's house. I didn't bother holding the door open for her and took off my shoes when I entered.

"Hey, Calum." Luke, Ashton, and Michael said in sync - I just nodded.

"Marie!" They said way more excitedely she smiled walking over to where the boys sat and giving them high-fives before sitting next to Michael, who wrapped his arm around her.

She handed him the head-phones and said something I couldn't recognize through Luke's dumb story.

"What's been going on with you?" Ashton asked.

"Ah, not much. Just been kinda busy lately" she shrugged.

"Well," I interupted "we should probably start practice." I said standing up and the boys did the same.

"Okay, I'm gonna go then" Michael grabbed my hand. "No, stay and watch" he pleaded and Ashton agreed.

"Okay" Marie shrugged and followed us down to the garage and sat back down, on a single seat to the side of us. She was to the left so all she could really see was Ashton and I.

We went through our songs, asking Marie for her opinion on some.

Once we finished the set, the boys, sat with her. I stayed back, practicing some riffs on my bass. "So Marie, are you coming to the show tonight?" Luke asked, smirking.

"Oh I didn't know about it, ofcourse im coming. I love supporting you guys."
she smiled before her phone buzzed. "Ah, fuck. My mom wants me home. I'll see you guys tonight." She stood up again and walked out the door.

"She's great" Ashton said satisfied and sat on her chair.

"If you guys could stop drooling over my ex that'll be great" I said coldly.

"Oh come on, Cal. We're just tryna welcome her." Luke stood up for Marie. "And what do you mean 'ex'?"

"What do you think, dumbass? We broke up." I spat back, placing my newly shone bass back on its stand at the edge of the ugly carpet we practice on.

"Why?" Ash asked.

"He slept with Jailee." Michael answered for me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Calum! Really!? Marie was so good for you-" Luke started but I cut him off.

"Oh, shut up! You think I don't know that!? She was my first love and I ruined it all for some sweet poisonous ex who just wants me to suffer! I know I fucked up, Luke! And now I have my three best friends drooling over her and one of them dating her! After literally everything we went through, Michael you had too!" I ranted. The word love throwing me back a bit, it slipped out but I knew it was true. I felt it on the roadtrip when waking up next to her felt like waking up to winning the fucking lottery. I was in love with a girl who wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.

"We're not even dating, I'm trying to clean up your mess!" Michael yelled back.

"Who asked you too?"

"Unlike you Calum, I'm not a dick and I actually care about people's feelings, I don't need a request to do so!" He yelled.

"Well maybe you should've thought about Alex's feelings, because she seemed pretty upset last night."

"You didn't..." Michael said, his voice dropping 4 octaves lower, practically growling at me.

"We did." Was all I said, accidentally confessing to sleeping with Michael's actual love. I felt sort of bad - the look on Michael's face was a look of pure heartbreak. But I kept my head up and turned on my heel leaving the boy alone. I had a bounce in my step as a few stray unwanted tears rolled down my cheeks. I bit the inside of my lips, embarrassed to be feeling the way I was feeling. Hell, I didn't even have a name for what I was feeling but I did have a cure - and let's just say she isn't that interested in being mine.

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