s i x ; "looks like you've fallen for me."

72 1 0

Marie's POV

Just another basic summer day. Woke up at around 3 and was planning to leave the house and go take some pictures for my dry af instagram, which I have just noticed is commonly the only reason for me leaving my house.

It took every strength in my body to go without panicking about walking past a group of teenagers or mean girls or just running into people or falling off my pennyboard - fuck.

My siblings have been weirdly out of the house today. Nathan has disappeared to god knows where so has Eva and the others. Rosie, I don't care and my mum is probably with her. First time in months I've had the house to myself and I'm enjoying it.

After about 3 and a half episodes of The Kardishans and some bowls of skinny pop, I decided that I should leave now to make time for some sunset photos. I made my way up my wooden stairs and to my bedroom, clutching the handle and my dark brown dresser and pulling open a drawer of shorts. I pulled one out and stared at it, contemplating whether or not I wanted to ruin my entire afternoon stressing about my fat thighs being open for public view. Although it was 35 degrees out I wore black skinny jeans and a short sleeved grey scoop neck that stuck to my stomach in a way that i had to pull it away every few minutes. I tied on my converse, still waiting for the adidas' i ordered online because I was too afraid to go to a mall. Fuck my life.

I grabbed the black pennyboard and slammed it on to the concrete aggressively pushing myself with my foot. I placed both feet back on the board and swayed with it. The summer air flowed through my black hair and my current speed made me smile. I was going way to fast for a sidewalk and I was very soon going to slam into something, but oh well.

And soon enough, I did. I fell straight off the board and face first into the grass of the front lawn of someones front yard. Getting a good hand full of dirt along with grass into my mouth, naturally i coughed and spit it back into the ground. At that exact moment a brown haired boy came out of the house, bent over, picked up a newspaper ad then made direct eye contact with me. The boy cracked a one sided smile.

"Hey Marie," The boy - who I had now identified as Calum - walked over to me chuckling. The way he said my name giving me an acute heart attack. He placed his hand infront of me and i took it before he pulled me off the ground. I let go of his hand and brushed myself off. "Looks like you've fallen for me." he said once i was up and i smiled not being able to think of something to say to flirt back. Is he even flirting with me?

"Do you want to come in? Maybe get all that dirt off your face?" He proposed and I shrugged he walked behind me and grabbed my pennyboard - that I had forgotten about along with the pain of falling face first onto hard ground. That boy numbed me well.

I walked into his house which was small but cozy and smelt of vanilla and coffee. I inhaled deeply as Calum placed my pennboard on the side of the door and walked over to the kitchen. He wet some cloth and walked back over to me.

"So... how was the wedding?" He asked walking over to me sitting at his dining table. "Fine, I guess. Would've rather stayed home." I shrugged to him but he then suprised me as he rubbed the soft cloth against my cheek. I could've done it myself but im not complaining. He then got a bandaid and pressed it on my palm which was the only part of me bleeding. After a few minutes I had learnt tat we went to the same highschool, he graduated two years ago as I did once. There was a small age gap but that didn't matter. He plays Soccer and is really good apparently and he has a sister. I told him I sucked at an type of athletics and he told me he could teach me sometime.

"Thanks Calum, it was great falling for you" I pushed myself off the elevated dining room chair and turned to face him. He smiled to me, "You're welcome Marie. it was fun falling for you too." He said and once again - acute heart attack.

I smiled wider as he placed his and on my waist and walked me towards the door in silence. I felt a absence of pressure in my back pocket only to find that the brunette now had my phone in his hand.

"You should a password on this" he told me and i laughed a bit as he handed it back to me with the message "hey" sent to who i assume was himself.

"Text me, we'll book that soccer date." he said and i smiled the word 'date' giving me several actual heart attacks. "You got it," I said back to him before he placed his pink lips on my bandaid, is he trying to kill me?

"Get better soon, princess."

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