t w e n t y - n i n e; he did - she just couldn't see it.

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Marie's POV

I sat at the coffee table, fiddling with my fingers in my hands, nervously tapping my foot on the floor. My heart beat sped up 17x more when Calum walked through the door and sat down next to me.

At this rate I thought I was going to throw up.



We started in unison, we both breathed a laugh and looked down at the table. I swiped a hair behind my ear. "You first" he said and I nodded, leaning forward in my chair.

"We should break up." was all I said, looking straight down at the table the whole time, I glanced up to see Calum's face drop.

"This is about Jailee, isn't it? Look, Marie I didn't plan on having sex with her I was just upset that you didn't text me b-"

"You had sex with her!" I screamed a little to loudly.

"Mar-" he placed his hand on top of mine but I pulled it away.

"No, I- you had sex with your ex because I didn't text you back! I thought you just kissed her, I saw this picture on Instagram with you guys at this party. She called you baby. You've been cheating on me." I said in a realizing tone, Calum furrowed his eyebrows together.

"That bitch set me up."

"I don't even want to hear it right now, Calum." I began to pack up my things. "Everyone was right about you, thanks for wasting my time. See you never." I scowled him, before picking up my purse and leaving my coffee infront the only love I'd probably ever have.

Too bad he didn't feel the same, but
he did - she just couldn't see it.


I sighed sitting down on the single bench, infront of all the swings on the empty playground. I slapped my phone against my palm, my breath rising and falling fast. Tears rolled down my cheeks in a military line almost.

I couldn't stop replaying the scene in my head. It was a kind of sad I had never felt before - our relationship had always felt so surreal, for a girl like me to be with him. It's almost like I was waiting for this to happen. Why couldn't I listen?

"hey" a voice breathed, placing a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Michael.

"Hi." I said blankly, staring at the still swings.

"How you feelin'?"

"Fucking shitty."

"Sorry, but hey. Look at these glasses I bought on the way over here." He reaches into the plain black bag he held and pulled out bright yellow Pikachu glasses and slid them onto his face. Michael flashed me a cheeky smile then I did a smile.

He smiled too, satisfied, and then sat down next to me - wrapping his arm around me. I crossed my legs and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder. "I hate you." I smiled to him taking a not-so-secret smell of his cologne, that smelt so damn good.

"I know you do." The Pikachu glasses wearing boy smiled down at me.

"Thank you, Mikey. Your such a good ass friend and we've inly been talking for a few days but you already take such good care of me and I-"

"Hey," Michael cut me off. "No problem." He ran his fingers that I secretly called baby carrots through my hair.

"Did you know that Calum had sex with Jailee?" I asked him, pulling my head away from his chest and looking up at him, Michael nodded.

"Yeah. I walked in on them, I knew you'd find out eventually so I decided not to tell you" Michael explained, I just blinked. "Anyways, I have some good news. Just because you and Calum are completo doesn't mean that you gotta go back to your Cheerios and diaries and getting out of the house only for Wensday garbage walks." Michael said reaching back into the bag and pulling out a folded up piece of lined paper.

"What is this?" I asked, taking it out of Michael's hands.

"If your gonna give up on living, let me throw you a goodbye party."

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