t h i r t y - t h r e e; better off alone.

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Michael's POV

My hands slipped under Marie's t-shirt, feeling the soft skin of her waist and her boobs while I was at it. "Hey guys! 4 minutes left of intermission - get your drinks, food, whatever. We're starting soon!" our DJ announced. Marie's little hand wrapped around my hand, pulling it out. "You guys have to go back out soon, I should head back into the crowd." she stammered and I nodded.

"To be continued." She smirked raising an eyebrow and drifting her hands down my chest. If I was actually going to manage to perform the rest of the show, she needed to stop.

"Definitely." I said before she got off of me and headed out the door.

Luke and Ashton came through the door next, "dude, we have 2 minutes. where's calum?" Ashton asked panicking a little.

I shrugged. "He came in here a while ago, looked pretty upset and then stomped off." I explained purposely leaving out a very important aspect.

Luke shot me a glare.

"I'll get him" I explained, pushing myself off the couch and hurrying around the corner. I spotted him walking. "Cal! Calum, slow down!" I called after him - jogging a bit. The things I do for this band.

Calum stopped in his tracks, allowing me to catch up. Once I was he whipped himself around, throwing a punch at my jaw. I fell straight to the ground and clutched my jawline. "What the hell was that!" I screamed at him, he just looked down at me - terrified.

All of a sudden he gripped my t-shirt and pulled me up to his level. "I swear Michael." He growled "I told you not to get involved with Marie again, and you didn't listen. All you seem to be interested in is hurting people and it stops with her."

"Let's not forget that your the one who cheated on her" I poked his chest.

"And am I not trying to fix things? I know everything, I know about you and Jailee trying to screw us over. Alex spilled. Stay in your lane mate, and don't ever touch my girlfriend."

That little bitch told on us. I felt ashamed of what we were trying to to do to Calum and Marie - but it's what Eva asked us. All we were trying to do was protect them - Calum couldn't handle her, it's not that she was too much but she was for him. The only thing they would do was hurt each other, but that seemed to be what we had done. We were planing on getting Alex to help but after spilling she changed her mind.

Calum turned himself around and began to walk in the other direction.

"So your gonna go taddle to mommy now! Do you really think Marie will actually believe you!"

"Stay out of it Michael."

"Did you see the way she was on me! Give it a try, Cal. Tell me how it works out."

Marie's POV

So that same morning I woke up to a text, from Michael.

From: Michael
i'll be at corner coffee at 3. come meet me. we really need to talk.

It seemed to be pretty important because he didn't really ask whether or not I wanted too. It was probably about the kiss, the kiss that I can't even explain. I was just angry. Angry at Calum, angry about Alex, angry about how wimpy he was, angry about what he did to me.

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