t w e n t y - o n e ; shady.

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Marie's POV

So I was beginning to question my relationship with Calum, this really wasn't a surprise to me. I didn't think I'd actually end up dating the kid I thought it'd be a short little friendship. Nor did I think I'd end up living in a beach house with him.

"I can't believe they actually let us stay here" I said surprised looking around the place, it was mostly tan furniture had a bit of a Greece aesthetic.

Basically Calum's coach and his wife gave us the keys to they're cottage, (thank god i was getting sick of that RV) and I guess that's where the rest of the trip will be.

"Yeah, woah." He collapsed onto the coach and I did the same, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled into him. Almost immediately, the doorbell rang.

"Put the bags in the bedroom" I instructed standing up to get the dress, Calum still say there, openly staring at my ass.

"Does that mean we're sharing?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. Gripping the doorknob I pulled it open revealing a pizza man standing on the other side.

"Oh, hey." I said, obviously confused.

"Hey, this was ordered by Lucy and Jay for Calum and Marie?" He read off the paper handing me 4 boxes of pizza that I obviously couldn't hold.

"Yeah that's me" I smiled, he noticed me struggling and took them out of my hand, invited himself in and set them on the counter.

"Thanks, uh give me a second I'll get you the money" I turned around but he took it upon himself to grab my arm.

"It's fine, they already payed." He explained I looked down at the grip he held on me as a clue but he didn't seem to be getting any hints.

"Who's this?" Calum walked back out from the bedroom.

"Pizza guy, Lucy and Jay ordered us pizza." I smiled to him, "oh cool, thanks mate." Calum said, shadily smiling up the boy pressuring him to leave. I shut and locked the door before I let out a stiff laugh.

"What?" Calum asked as I was loading the pizzas into the empty fridge.

I still laughed, shaking my head. "Marie.." he said in a warning tone.

"It's just that your so.. shady, the way you looked at that guy was like you were ready to fight a bitch" I explained not that well but I tried.

"Yeah. I don't like other guys around my baby" he said coming closer to me. "Your mine."

"He wasn't flirting with me or anything" I shrugged.

"I know, but I've been a single guy before, I know what goes through their heads."

I just shrugged raising my eyebrows slightly, and turning back to what I was doing. Calum, out of no where grabbed me by the waist and flipped me over his shoulder. I scream-laughed. "What is this!" I laughed as he carried me around the house and dropped me on the couch and climbed on top of me, beginning to attack my cheeks with kisses.

I laughed as he did so. All of a sudden the kisses went to my neck, and the mood changed quickly. Soft moans began escaping my lips, and I pulled on his hair. all of a sudden I remembered the first time i made it with Calum, on his couch. His sister walked in on us, but then it hit me - no one was here.

So I flipped us over so I was on top, and kissed down Calum's neck, he gripped at my hips roughly.

His hands went to my left boob and he squeezed it then went back down to my butt and he did the same thing. Calum's hands trailed to the hem of my t-shirt.

Did I really want to go through with this? There's no going back after? I also was a little bit young to be doing this.

Once he started to lift I grabbed his hand and wrapped them around my waist, flipping so my back was against him. "Try again later, babygirl."

"I hate you."

"I know" we laughed about it.

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