s i x t e e n ; "be my freaking girlfriend then!"

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Marie's POV

"Hey, Eva. Can I borrow your black shirt?" I asked walking into her room, she was just laying across her bed on her phone. "Yeah, go ahead. But why? Aren't you all like.... ashamed" she asked me as I walked to her closet and slid the black halter top off its hanger and onto my fat body. "No..... Well yes, but just for tonight" she shrugged in response as I added the flannel hanging next to it. I took my hair out of the braid it's been on all day for that exact reason, the waves wouldn't last long but they sure looked good. I ran my hands through them a couple times.

"Do I look okay?" I asked her brushing my black jeans.

"Yeah, where are you going?"

"To a party with this guy I met, Calum?" I said more of a question but still, I walked over to her mirror and looked deeply at my makeup and the fake eyelashes i inserted with a bit of struggle.

"Calum Hood, and you... going to a summer party. He's gonna hurt you, Marie. One of my friends younger sister, her name was Jailee. They went out in the summer going into Junior year and they were so cute for a while. Everything was great and eventually Cal took her to a party - he got her drunk and - she was a virgin right - banged her and then everything went down from there. He started cheating, purposely drinking around her. Using her completely. I know you haven't had so much experience with guys but don't settle, the right one will come around." She advised me and I nodded, fluffing my hair a bit before turning to her.

"Thanks Eva." I said, more about the shirt and flannel than the advice. Maybe I should've listened to her but this thing with guys doesn't happen often for me. Although this happens in every movie where the girls friend warns her about her boyfriend but she's to caught up in her feelings and doesn't listen and ends up hurt. But why am I using stupid unrealistic Hollywood movies as an example? Calum obviously isn't my Jack but he might be the closest I'll ever get to him so might as well try. Eva is probably wrong anyways, her friends are huge drama queens. I'm over thinking the whole thing, I'll just go to this stupid party and see what happens.

So I left the house and stood outside waiting for Calum to pull up, apparently it's a bit farther so we had to drive. He eventually came around and parked right infront of me, I walked to the passenger seat and slid in. "I was gonna go open the door for you but I guess not" he shrugged draping his hand over the steering wheel as I buckled me seat belt.

"Sorry" I said with a dry tone and turned my head to the window.

Calum did a double take. "What's wrong with you?" He asked me focusing back on the empty road, it's safe to say that Calum was not a great driver.

"Nothing" I shrugged my shoulders looking down at my thighs on the seat that were spread out in a way that absolutely disgusted me. "Marie - co - oh shit almost hit a stop sign - come on, we both know your lying" Calum chuckled turning the wheel through a neighbourhood that was a lot nicer than the one we lived in, lots of white people.

"It's nothing." I said my tone sharper and he just glared at me. "Cal, okay I just don't want to go to this party. Okay?" I said trying to act tough and unquestionable.

"See, I know that's not it." He continued to laugh through his words - why the hell does he do that? He was obviously thought he was right and he was but I wasn't gonna let him have the satisfaction.

"Calum, can we please do this later, okay? Let's have a good night. We'll meet all of your friends, dance, and then we'll talk." I told him.

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