n i n e t e e n ; "I can never get enough of you."

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Marie's POV

I grabbed my blue TOMS duffel bag, shoving in one last book before zipping it up. With my makeup and hair done I wandered into Eva's room, figuring that at 5:30 in the morning, she'd be awake. Though I was being sarcastic there Eva sat, infront of her mirror doing her makeup.

"Hey." I breathed walking into her closet and grabbing the black dress she had taken from me a few weeks back.

"Hey, you're up early. What's with the bag? You goin' on a trip?"

"Yeah, if mom asks - which I doubt tell her I went on a roadtrip with my friends and that I'll be back on Saturday." I told her, folding the dress and stuffing it in again.

"Okay. Who are you going with?" She asked as I pulled out my phone from my short pockets and sat on her bed, leaning back on my two palms and letting my ear touch my shoulder.

"Calum." I smiled.

Eva sighed, "Marie you're practically growing heart eyes. I told you to be careful around him did you even hear me?" Eva asked growing louder.

"Shh, moms still sleeping and yes, I did hear you. But I confronted him and he explained to me that it was just a huge misunderstanding." I said proudly and Eva rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe your actually believing him!" She exclaimed, completely ignoring what I just told her. "Eva, relax. It's my life not yours and he sounded pretty sincere."

"I just don't want you to get your heart broken by some dooshbag!" She exclaimed again, throwing her hands down to her side and walking around her room dramatically.

"I'm not! I can take care of myself."

"What I told you was true, and if your still too blinded by his biceps to notice that, go ahead and see for yourself! And once you do don't come crying back to me" she finished her rant and I dismissed the topic with an eye roll.

My phone buzzed conveniently after the room went silent.

From: Calum
im here :)

I smiled to myself before hopping off the bed and swinging my bag over my shoulders. "I'll see you soon, Eva" I said she didn't respond, I didn't give Eva's warnings a second thought. Maybe I should've, maybe she had a point, Cal is a little shady.

I walked down stairs fast as if I had a timer to get out of the house, and once I did an RV was parked in the middle of the road, and Cal was leaning against it.

"Welcome. To the rest of your week" he lifted his arms before jogging towards me. He placed a hand on my waist and his lips on mine quickly, before taking the bag from my shoulder and turning back around.

"You look pretty" he complimented, I was falling.

I followed him up the steps of the RV that looked brand new, he shoved my bag into one of the bed compartments and then turned back to me. "So that's the kitchen, bedroom - TV's back there, couches, and drivers quarters." He introduced and I nodded. "Since we got a lot of places to hit, the beds will be used as storage so we have to share the master."


I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Sounds good." I nodded, he kissed me one more time before sliding into the drivers seat and starting the engine, I sat in the passengers.

"So, Marie. Tell me. What's on your mind?" He asked like a therapist slowly starting to drive down the street, south. The Sydney sunrise on the horizon.

"Uh, nothing much. Just curious about where the hell your taking me for a week, and when im gonna be able to take a nap later." I confessed an a Calum chuckled from the drivers wheel.

"I can never get enough of you."

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