f o u r t e e n ; "of course i do.."

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Calum's POV


I pulled the truck into Luke's driveway, ofcourse feeling like a baller, gripping the steering wheel of a beautiful Mercedes. That sounded a lot weirder than I though it would. Ever since Monday I've realized that I need to take Luke's advice, all his success proves that it works. If I wanted what Luke had I had to be him.

"It's in boys!" I exclaimed and Ashton, Luke and Jack came out of the back and started loading out Ash's drum kit.

I hopped out of the drivers seat and waved at Luke and Ashton before sitting down next to Michael who was watching anime on his phone with sunglasses on. "Are you hungover?

"Nope, Alex said she was coming except she's uh... bringing.. someone and I just didn't want any questi-...... im just gonna stop talking now." Michael plugged his headphones back into his ears.

"What are your hiding?"

"Alex is bringing Jailee." Michael mumbled into his iced tea.

"What?" I asked.

"Alex is bringing Jailee to the show." Michael said much more clearly but fear was evident in his voice.

"Oh... Okay." I shrugged and pressed my phone button letting my screen light up, he looked very confused but more relieved. See, old Calum would've freaked out. Old Calum would've freaked out at Michael, un-invited Alex to no success and then spent the whole night trying to keep Marie and Jailee separate, but I've changed. I'm a Luke, and it feels damn good.


So later that night thee sun went down and the stage went up. The stage wasn't even really a stage, it was a tapestry Ashton's cousin Leah made with our name across it, hung over Luke's back door and my sister Mali's fairy lights spread across the deck where our instruments rested. People filled up Luke's back yard, lanterns hung from a few tree branches, along with normal christmas lights. There was a few standing tables like there are at bars, one foldable table where the pizza would go at Intermission (a.k.a. go into the crowd and pick your groupies) and the drinks Jack bought us. Man, I love that guy.

I looked through the window and FORCED myself not to panic, "Luke, how the hell do you know this many people?" Ashton asked breaking the blaring silence of my heart beat, Michael's mouth exercises, and muffled Kendrick Lamar. "Friends" He shrugged picking up one of the red solo cups on his glass coffee table. "Okay, 30 seconds lads. Get in." Michael said walking over to where we were all standing. Luke passed us all one solo cup and we took one big chug of the liquor inside. We all did our weird handshake before heading out. Ashton was the first, he did his drum solo and as it started to slow down we all came out. Try Hard began, and i played the chords on my bass, not so much smiling but smirking- i guess. I sung along at the parts I was supposed too while and near the end of the song I scanned the crowd for Marie, but she was nowhere to be found. She bailed. Oh well, she wasn't shit to me anyways. And ofcourse right after I thought that, I hit my bass solo super hard, almost like a salute to Marie.

Heartbreak girl was the next song we where gonna play, same deal. Sing, play, eye contact, salute.

She walked through the door as soon as the chorus hit. Looking like some kind of confused goddess, Marie's eyes found their way to mine. She smiled slightly giggling when she saw that I found her. "Surprise." She mouthed shrugging and hung her head down making a part of her hair fall into her face. The flannel she was wearing, fell off her shoulder "scandy" I mouthed and she giggled. I focused back on my solo and she smiled at the sound of my voice before turning and buying a drink I couldn't recognize. It was at that moment that I noticed her outfit. A grey spaghetti strap top, a red flannel, and black shorts that made her ass look great. She had a few stretch marks on the back of her thighs and on her thighs aswell that were adorable.

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