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The morning sun came up and the Straw Hats slowly woke up and quickly got ready to leave the island and set out to their adventure. Tori had stayed awake the whole night back in her fox form. "~Tori-swan would you like some food~!" Sanji's voice rang out making Tori turn to see the Love Cook dancing around with hearts in his eyes as she smiled turning back into her human form. "Yes I would love some food." Tori said and Sanji disappeared quickly as she turned back around to look at the island and sighed in content seeing the place slowly becoming small. "One day I'll come back to you my sweet land." Tori whispered gently as she turned around and walked off to head towards the kitchen where the others were at eating and talking but they stopped and looked at Tori. ''Morning Tori." Nami said as she moved to the side and patted the bench "Thank you Nami," Tori said as she sat down beside the orange haired girl. "~Here you go my lovely (Y/n)-swan~!" Sanji said placing a plate in front of Tori who smiled and went right to eating the plate as Sanji danced off back to fix more plates. "Miss Tori are you excited to start your adventure?" Brook questioned and Tori looked at the skeleton and smiled "Yes, I'm actually excited to start it with you all," she said and looked at the group all of them seemingly happy with her answer. "I hope we can meet spirits along the way." Tori said and smiled brightly as they all nodded and went back to talking and eating the food as she did the same thing eating her food silently.

"Miss Tori would you like to come with us to try out new outfits?" Robin questioned calmly as Tori smiled and nodded "Sure I would love too," the fox said following after Robin and Nami who soon followed

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"Miss Tori would you like to come with us to try out new outfits?" Robin questioned calmly as Tori smiled and nodded "Sure I would love too," the fox said following after Robin and Nami who soon followed. "I think Tori would look good in shorts and a evil at t-shirt." Robin said calmly while Nami shock her head and said something about reveling cloths that would bring out Tori's curves and natural charms. "I wouldn't mind wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt." Tori said making Robin smile in success and Nami to pout as the both of them went to look for the cloths as Tori sat down on her new bed. The fox felt weird having never in her 900 years of living feel something as soft as a gooses feather as a thing to sleep on. Tori quickly rolled on the bed feeling her fox instincts coming out to burrow herself into the blankets to make a nice nest with the blankets and pillows. "I see your having a great time under those blankets we got you." Nami said with a smile seeing Tori burrowing herself into the blankets and pop her head out with a small smile on her face and a blush adorning her cheeks. "Forgive me call it fox instincts of but I love to burrow myself in something soft." Tori said pulling herself out from the nest of blankets and pillows as Nami passed her the cloths and pointed to the restroom as Robin appeared both sitting on the bed. Both waited patiently until Tori walked out of the restroom wearing the cloths the red shirt made her eyes pop out more the outfit seemed to compliment her. "You look really nice Tori." Robin said making Tori smile and look herself over "I really like this color," Tori said looking at the red shirt her flats tapping against the ground almost silently. "We should head out and show the guys your new outfit." Nami suggested and both women walked out of the room with Tori following right behind them with a hop in her step.

"Tori come play with us!" Luffy exclaimed jumping on Tori who had stopped and looked at the boy confused "What do you want to play," she questioned

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"Tori come play with us!" Luffy exclaimed jumping on Tori who had stopped and looked at the boy confused "What do you want to play," she questioned. Both Chopper and Usopp quickly cheered with stars in their eyes as they tried to pick out a game for the four of them to play. "Let's play tag!" Luffy exclaimed and the others nodded with Tori looking a bit confused "Tag, can you explain how to play," she asked and Usopp quickly told her what to do. "Than I shall be the one 'it' and count off." Tori said calmly shifting into her fox form as Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy quickly ran off laughing and smiling. Tori slowly counted and took off running finding all three of them as they screamed and ran off trying to get away from Tori who was easily catching up to them. Tori smiled jumping on the railing of the ship to run along side Luffy who was trying to dodge as she jumped towards him "Your it," she exclaimed jumping off his back as he went to chase someone else. Tori huffed easily dodging Choppers attend at catching her as she jumped up landing on to of Usopp who fell to his but in shock. "Oi! That's cheating!" Usopp cried out as he got it and Chopper cheered running off to hide with Tori doing the same as they all had fun playing around on the ship. Tori hide above the ships mast as she smiled and watched as Luffy tried to find any of the people that where hiding.

Tori smiled taking in a deep breath of the ocean itself and thanked the god for letting her explore the new world with her new family. 

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