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"We have yet to properly finish this battle

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"We have yet to properly finish this battle." Doflamingo stated looking at Tori who growled right back at him the strings holding onto Tori froze over with ice making them shatter. Tori's face grew until her arms and legs started to transform as she returned into her fox form but it was bigger than the last time she was with Luffy and the others. Her white fur seemed to shine more she growled low the red tips on her tail where darker with silver beads on each one in the middle of the tails where red oval markings with a dot in the middle. She grew a mane that was thick with the tips a deep red as blue fox fire surrounded her feet keeping her suspended in the air she growled at the smiling Doflamingo. "Is this your Primal Form dear fox?" Doflamingo stated looking at Tori who lowered her head and growled menacingly she charged forward blue flames surrounding her mouth. Tori dodged a swipe from the pink feathered male and spewed her blue flames the air around the flames turning ice cold until it slammed against Doflamingo. Quickly he moved away only to watch as his legs froze up to his hips but he broke out and aimed his fingers that where shaped as guns at the fox. "String Bullets!" Doflamingo called out firing off his bullets fast and her running around dodging the strings fast flames freezing some of the bullets that got to close to her. "Fox Screech!" Tori exclaimed with a screech that was powerful than the ones she did earlier Doflamingo cringed but pushed himself forward until she stopped and spewed out her blue fox fire.

"This is amazing!" Chopper exclaimed after finishing patching up Sanji he had taken the syringe Tori had given him and was now looking up information to see what was inside the thing

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"This is amazing!" Chopper exclaimed after finishing patching up Sanji he had taken the syringe Tori had given him and was now looking up information to see what was inside the thing. "We need to go back and save Tori!" Monomosuke exclaimed looking at the group that where surrounding the table of the kitchen "Yes but she wanted me to look at this thing," Chopper said looking at the poison through a microscope. "It's a good thing Tori gave me her blood it's really helping in finding out what this poison is made of." Chopper said looking down at the blood packet that had Tori's name on it as he took a small amount and placed it with the strip that had the poison on it he looked at the microscope. "The poison it attacks the blood burning it up so fast that it'll making the body of the guardian weaken and die off." Chopper said seeing the blood slowly turning a sickly black and bubbling "Can't you find a cure," Monomosuke questioned seeng how Chopper went quiet but nodded after a while nodded with a determined look on his face. "I need to find a cure if Doflamingo has more of this he can use it against Tori and kill her." Chopper said the poor boy looked horrified that someone would use this against Tori who was sweet and caring to him and helpful to the others as well. "But Tori's out maybe fighting Doflamingo as we speak!" Momo exclaimed as Robin had entered the room hearing the boys words making her smile slightly. "Yes that is true but Tori can handle herself in battle and we might even meet her in Dressrosa." Robin said squatting down to hug the poor boy who looked scared for Tori "You don't understand Doflamingo he's going to kill Tori he's stronger than anyone I've ever meet," Momo exclaimed in fear until Robin placed a gentle hand on his chin to push him up to look at her. "Tori is going to come back to us and Luffy will be the one to finish Doflamingo off for what he's done." Robin said seeing how the boy seemed to contemplate on her words and hugged her tightly "I hope your right Robin," he whispered as she hugged him.

The gem on Tori's chest glowed brightly as she spewed out her blue flames and watched them crash into the forest near Doflamingo who had dodged and charged

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The gem on Tori's chest glowed brightly as she spewed out her blue flames and watched them crash into the forest near Doflamingo who had dodged and charged. "Fallbright!" He exclaimed Tori yelped from needle stabbing into her but they froze and shattered completely letting her charge forward and raise a claw hand. "Fire Claws!" She called out slashing down as blue beams shot out from her claws heading towards Doflamingo who dodged and fired off string bullets that she easily dodged as well. "Why!" Tori called out appearing behind Doflamingo and using her tails to slam him towards the forest fast she followed behind and slammed her paws on his shoulders as he smiled. "Why are you killing my kind!" Tori exclaimed blue flames licking around her muzzle as Doflamingo's smile grew "Because they weren't bending to my rules," he said making Tori stare at him in shock at his words. "What?" She whispered in pure shock letting Doflamingo kick the large fox off of him Tori slammed against a tree making her cry out in pain and fall to the ground. "Guardians are all wild animals are they not?" Doflamingo questioned walking over to Tori who was shacking her head from the pain until a large hand slammed her head to the ground followed by a foot on her tails. "Idiot...we've lived...longer than...humans...we earned...the will to understand...humans." Tori growled out Doflamingo laughed loudly at her words and whistled with his free hand as the bushes moved. Two large Lion/dogs appeared making Tori eyes grow wide in shock at what she was seeing as Doflamingo laughed seeing how shocked the fox looked.

"But in the end Guardians are animals they can be bended to human will or killed by human hands."

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