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'Follow them to Dressrosa and you will surely meet the man that has been killing us Guardians.' The words from the Guardian Of The West rang through Tori's ears while she sat silently on the railing of Thousand Sunny 'Why would he want to kill the Guardians,' Tori thought looking at the ocean. Luffy, Law, Sanji and Zoro where gone to the forest around Dressrossa to see any weak points but to also check out some battle that where holding a Devil Fruit as a prize. "What seems to be bothering you Tori." Robin's calm voice broke "It was what the Guardian told me it's been bothering me for some time," Tori stated looking at the black haired girl who nodded and sat on the railing. "What was it?" Robin questioned Tori turned to look at her seriously "He told me a pink feathered male had found a way to kill Guardians," Tori stated but she could see recognition shine in Robin's eyes. "A poison?" Robin said Tori nodded "He said this man would force guardians into their Primal Forms and fire off the poison that would kill Guardians from the inside," Tori said thinking about such a poison out there killing the protectors of Islands or Seas for unknown reasons. "His name is Donquixote Doflamigo the man that we are after now." Robin said only to see anger flash through Tori's eyes quickly and disappear as the fox gave her a smile that scared her a bit. "Doflamingo huh?" Tori questioned only to stop seeing the woman that Brook and caught look at her with wide shocked filled eyes "Your a Guardian aren't you," Giolla stated only to freak when Tori smiled. "You are correct I am Tori the Fox Guardian of my Island." Tori said and Giolla's eyes grew as wide as saucers "YOUR THE ONE DOFLAMIGO-SAMA IS LOOKING FOR," she exclaimed making Tori to growl loudly in pure anger eyes shinning. "So he's killing my brethren use to look for me?" She questioned calmly and Giolla nodded quickly "Nami she's scaring me," Momonosuke whispered seeing how scary Tori was becoming. "I'm scared too." She whispered covering his eyes and Caesar looked ready to piss himself from how scary the Fox looked.


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"Wait..what is that!?" Chopper exclaimed making everybody turn and look up and scream except for Tori and Robin "It's Doflamigo," they exclaimed Tori glared right at the male flying towards them fast. Tori growled a deep animalistic growl her nails and fangs growing pupils turning to sharp slits as she looked ready to fly up towards the flamboyant male. Suddenly the features went away when a soft hand was placed on her shoulder making her turn to see Robin smiling at her gently "Anger will not help you," she whispered they saw Sanji charged in to attack the tall male. But Robin could feel how tense Tori's was how she looked ready to jump up to attack the pink feathered bastard. "Fox Fire." Tori whispered bringing her fist up and opened it slowly as she blew air making blue flames shot out forming into two large foxes that charged towards Doflamingo. The tall male turned only for an explosion to go off from the blue fires and Sanji falling to the ocean fast but he was able to stop himself and launch himself towards the pink feathered male only to be defeated by invisible weapons. "Fufufu, fox fire so that means your the Fox I've been looking for." Doflamigo said looking right at Tori who stared right back at him unwavering and strong even as he charged towards the ship fast. Tori slammed her foot on the railing and jumped off blue flames surrounded her feet and pushed her towards the flamboyant male. The air shock when their legs slammed against each other hard as nine pure white tails appeared behind Tori one of them holding a tired Sanji.

"Fufufu, you must have heard about your dear 'brothers' dying off by me

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"Fufufu, you must have heard about your dear 'brothers' dying off by me." Doflamingo said proudly as Tori growled pupils turning back to slits her fangs turning sharp as he smiled. "It's seems I've got your full attention now." Doflamingo stated seeing the anger flowing around Tori the tail holding onto Sanji stretched over placing him on the boat. Her anger made the air turn hot almost like Alabasta when it was controlled by Crocodile but the faze turned red from Tori's anger until it formed to that of a large fox right behind her eyes glowing red and fangs showing. "The anger of a Guardian." Doflamingo said calmly the large fox gave off a might roar as it disappeared while Tori looked ready to charge right at the tall male from what he had said so calmly. "I'll tear you apart!" Tori roared out as Doflamingo slowly placed a hand into his pocket as he laughed aggravating the fox in front of him.

"Fufufu, so many of those pathetic Guardians have said the same thing and now look where they are!"

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