I cannot give up

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Robin watched in shock and horror as Tori pulled something off of her neck and swing one of her mighty tails at Doflamigo but he dodged and she stumbled her back foot slipping off the edge

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Robin watched in shock and horror as Tori pulled something off of her neck and swing one of her mighty tails at Doflamigo but he dodged and she stumbled her back foot slipping off the edge. The large fox crashed to the ground making sunflowers fly up and the ground to shake from the beast falling down "Tori," she exclaimed moving her arms and crossing them. An eye appeared on a sunflower stalk that was near Tori who was laying on the ground face scrunched up in pain slowly Robin appeared only the top half. "Tori-san are you okay?" Robin called out seeing the large fox that growled low but opened one of her eyes slowly "Robin," Tori called out weakly. "What's happening to you." Robin said looking at the fox "He hit me," Tori whispered only to scrunch her eyes and snort loudly "The poison he got me," the fox said in pain. 'No.' Robin thought remembering what Chopper and Tori had told the group about the dangers of the poison and that it could kill her and any guardian. "We need to get Chopper or somebody." She said but winched her back still stinging in pain from her back making Tori look at her "Go back to the others you're in pain," the fox said but Robin looked ready to tell her no. "I can handle myself." Tori said looking at the black haired woman who seemed ready to complain but disappear in a flurry of pink petals. Tori closed her eyes and moved her head to the side from the pain flaring in her body and her veins that felt as if they where fire her muscles kept shacking and twitching.

 Tori closed her eyes and moved her head to the side from the pain flaring in her body and her veins that felt as if they where fire her muscles kept shacking and twitching

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The sounds of metal grating on stone made Tori open her eyes slowly to look up and see what seemed like the metal cage that was above them was slowly closing in. Screams of the people made Tori open her eyes and stand up "The cage its closing in," people screamed out making the large fox to stand up on her two feet. "Tori what are you doing!" Robin called out seeing the large fox standing up and lift her arms up towards the top of the sky and grab hold of the bird cage and started to push apart. The metal creaked loudly the bird cage slowly stopping from the strength that Tori was pushing against the metal making others who where trying to stop it look up seeing the large fox. "Tori!" Zoro exclaimed looking up at the large fox and the "Save us Fox-sama," someone yelled out and people started to pray and cry holding their children and loved ones hands. Tori focused her energy on holding the metal and to heal herself from the poison Doflamigo had given her and it seemed to work even as her fur turned dull and her face started to sink in. "Round Two!" A voice called making Tori turn her head to see a large male that had bucked teeth but on top of him was Baby 5 holding a large syringe. "Usopp! Shot them!" Violet called out seeing the large male heading towards the fox and Usopp who was aiming his slingshot getting ready to fire it. At the last second Usopp fired his slingshot and whooped when it hit both Devil Fruit users but watched in shock and horror when Baby 5 threw the syringe hitting Tori on her side. The large fox roared out the grip on the cage faltering but kept holding on tightly her arms turning skinny showing her bones her body looked sickly fur falling off.

'The humans need my help.'

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