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Killer B sunk to the bottom of the ocean the Sea Kings looked at him for a moment until they took off fast seeing it was the eight tailed beast

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Killer B sunk to the bottom of the ocean the Sea Kings looked at him for a moment until they took off fast seeing it was the eight tailed beast. 'Everybody I need yah help!' Killer B thought feeling the connections of the other tailed beasts 'Why what's happening,' a deep voice said as Killer B laid on the ocean floor. 'The ten tailed beast has emerged and the nine tailed beast has been injured badly she is in need of assistance.' Killer B said the voices rang in his head arguing about not wanting to help Tori in fighting against the ten tailed beast how the water around him shock violently. 'If we help there could be a chance of the ten tailed beast eating our tails as well!' The voice said making Killer B grunt in annoyance and sit up the water soothing his battle wounds 'I Matabi will join the battle,' the calm voice called out    making Killer B sit more straight. 'Really! Matabi man you're so cool!' Killer B exclaimed getting ready to get back into battle 'Matabi if you go to help against Ten tails you will die,' the tailed beasts said as Killer B snorted 'I don't care Kyubii needs help and I shall give them my all,' Matabi stated 'I will be there soon please give it your all Killer B and the Kyubii as well,' Matabi said Killer B nodded and started to swim up fast. Killer K shoved his head out of the ocean water only to watch as hydra wrapped itself around the Biju Fox. 'Shit! Foxy is going to die!' Killer B thought creating a Monster Ball and firing it off hitting Hydra as he jumped out of the water and pulled the snake off.

"Foxy you've changed!" Killer B exclaimed seeing the fox beside him was in Biju form something that only the Tori and he could properly do

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"Foxy you've changed!" Killer B exclaimed seeing the fox beside him was in Biju form something that only the Tori and he could properly do. "My yin was disappearing my Nakama's have helped gather it back up and change into this form." Tori said looking at Killer B who nodded "Then let's get this over with," Killer B exclaimed as Hydra charged forward to attack making the Biju jump forward and wrap its arms around five of the heads and its tails grabbing the rest. Both Biju and Hydra rolled around on the ground the snakes heads tearing into the chakra making the group push closer "It's tearing though the Biju Fox," Nami exclaimed being covered by Sanji as the group looked on in shock. "The yin chakra is disappearing we need to end the battle." Tori said looking up at the Hydra snake that pulled more of the chakra away the group getting ready to attack. "Chakra Charge!" A voice called out making Killer B look up seeing a large blue and black fire ball crash against Hydra fast and hard making the beast release the Biju Fox. Jumping to safety both Biju and the black/blue flames ball crashed standing against each other but the group where in awe when it got up to show a large two tailed cat of black/blue flames with miss matching eyes. "Kyubii I thought of you as one of the strongest tailed beast." Matabi stated looking at Biju Fox but Tori smiled gently. "Thank you Matabi-kun for helping us." She said making the cat snort and look away "Whatever your praises won't help in this battle," he said but looked back at the snake.

"With just three tailed beast will this actually work

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"With just three tailed beast will this actually work." Matabi said looking at Killer B who gave a thumbs up while Tori looked at the two "We need a Monster Ball so let's do it together," the cat said making her nod. 'Thank you Matabi, Killer B.' Tori said looking at the two tailed beasts that looked back at the battle as the Hydra got ready to attack the three. "Monster Ball!" Everyone exclaimed as Tori stepped back and watched silently seeing her Nakama's helping Killer B and Matabi create a Monster Ball that was bigger and stronger than the others. 'Thank you Nakama's for helping me.' Tori thought seeing them helping create such a powerful move as the Hydra charged forward to attack making her frown and close her eyes concentrating. A white tail sprung out from the ground and wrapped around the Hydra pinning it to the spot as it roared. "Trio Monster Ball!" Everyone called out firing the Monster Ball as Tori released her tight grip on Hydra her tail disappearing the move hit the beast head on creating a large explosion. The ground shock but the dust cleared showing the Hydra beast gone making everyone cheer except for Robin, Law, Sanji and Matabi something about the whole thing seriously wrong. "Soul Chain!" A voice called out and the ground froze seeing the purple chain wrap around the Biju Foxes neck making the beast pull back and roar. "What's happening!" Luffy exclaimed looking back at Tori who went silent but had her paws set in a prayer her eyes shut tightly ignoring everybody around her that was freaking out.


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