Comfortably Numb

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It's all become a blur.
Each day that passes feels the same
What would I feel if something new came?
It seems my heart would not stir.

I've blocked it off, built up a tower of brick
More so to save myself from the ruin of caring
People always want to scale my monolith
But it's as futile as it is daring.

Ultimately I feel the same rough and calloused hide
The climbers chip away sections
Creating small windows into my affections
Getting a dimly lit peak at the mess inside.

How I long to look at things and feel a fiery passion
To have something rile me up and emotions birth
But it's as though my feelings are rationed.
Like everyone's ascended to the heavens and I'm stuck on Earth.

I don't lose hope that the bricks will crumble
With enough climbers or the right tools
But sometimes it's better to leave hope with the fools
One day the three words I might again mumble.

It's a blessing and a curse to be numb
Desensitized to my own emotions proves to be complicated
There's really only two ways I feel none or some
Nothing large anymore, no emotional feeling exacerbated .

It's grants me the ability to just take it on the chin
Yet still be hung up on how much it hurt
I'm out of tune, I love you, I hate you, phrases I wish I could blurt.
I'm perplexed on how to tear the walls down, East Berlin

Maybe you'll be the one to tear it all down
To expose my heart and connect my feelings
Even if you fail there's plenty of people around
I'll just have to play my cards right, make the right dealings.

Oh but I hope it's you
I hope you break my blockade
To end this numbness in a loving crusade
I wish you'd break through

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