Flowers & Felines

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I don't want to think anymore
So I guess I'll just drink some more
Burry it under bottles and pop top cans
Leave it for the dandy daises and lions
I wish I could cry about this
I wish I fought over that
Now all I've got are wilted flowers
And jungle cats
Dead dreams and daunting tasks
And believe me
You want none of that
In fact I can tell that it'll all fall flat
So when I'm down on my back again
Trample me like a dead flower
Devour me like a lioness
Cut me and gut me clean
Then tell me I never meant a thing
I hate you for all your beauty
How dare you when the worlds so ugly
Full of deceased plants & drunken poets
I was dead to you before you'd know it
Since you never showed it
Now you try to pick and choose
When it was I who taught you
How to love and how to try
It was you who taught me how to cry
Now my tears are all but dry
Caught in my throat and my eye
Always on the brink of falling apart
Then she turned dead flowers into arts
That's when you realized your farces
At that point to you I felt like a carcass
I was content and then I wasn't
Why did you push me away
Only to tell her you still love me
Why up root the dumb daisy
Who just wanted to give you everything
Why kill the lion protecting his cub
Why claim you want what you killed
My Love

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