Orbital Mist

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I'm just some star struck lad
Pseudo indie trash
My stars aren't built to last
So I recall the past
But I yearn for space
I long to get away
And I'll burn bright that day
Then your gravity hits
And I'm ripped apart
You steal my stars
And you steal my heart
Spinning and swirling strong
Pulling my stars along
You make me your accretion disk
See how my stars swirl and spin
You came from nowhere
Then went back again
With half of my galaxy
Oh how my star debris
Gave you such beauty
For the whole Milky Way to see
So pull me in
And paint outer space
A million brilliant hues
Now I don't know the truth
And neither do you
So I'll do the gravity dance
Because it might be my last chance
Ere you make me your accretion disk
A grand display of awe
That shouldn't be missed
Your indifferent fury
For all the planets
Has been ripping up my stars
Creating clouds of art
Now I'm just a small small part
Of what I fell in love with
Your accretion disk
That beautiful orbital mist

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