Blue Lights

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She likes the blue lights
I've never had a preference
Thrill rides on a cold night
But if I had to chose, I'd take this

Half a handful of caps
Intensify all the little things
Or it's the emotions perhaps
Our feelings, over photons, mingling

Smoke half concealed by foggy breath
I know you do, but I don't really dance
Only one jig better; a dance with death
It's a kick in the chest, I never stood a chance

Still wearing the admission band
I've just never bothered with it
It holds my wrist when you can't hold my hand
Frankly, it means more than I admit

Little sentimental things I'll cling to
That piece of your blue jeans
Oh but I've done it again with you
Always moving to fast for my own good it seems

I don't want to hurt anymore
I've got so much love to give
Now every ex is an eyesore
Reminding me of what was and what is

I really hope you don't join that list
But I can feel it coming on
So be gentle when you crack my ribs
Then run amiss, too far, too gone

Repeating verses of a sad soul song
Not wanting to write one about you
But it feels as right as it is wrong
I'm really not sure what to do

Take me back to the lights so blue
To the Ferris wheel in the cold
Because the wrist band is losing its glue
And I'm slipping into the ways of old

Maybe April will change hues
Shining new colors over you
But I won't be around to see
Turning from the light so blinding

She liked the blue lights
But she liked the white lies too
I had my suspicions
Turns out they're all true

Yes she liked the blue lights
The booze and the rush
But I guess life is hard
And coping is rough

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