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What have I accomplished in the last 24 hours
How many steps have I taken through the meadow
And how many back over the trampled flowers
Did I weep did I cringe not even for the dead crows

Through a hazy field of impending judgment
I take small strides forward automatically
You rush me as if the time I have is lent
I speed up my pace erratically

My worth is measured by involuntary tasks
I advance reluctantly seeing the grass ahead shrivel away
I want to stop moving and in the sunlight bask
I need to break free or I'm going to miss today

We're controlled by numbers of our own creation
Money, time, weight, and grades are our conflictions
If we don't change what we value it'll bring damnation
I pull against my man made chains with only constrictions

Your man made mind stays within its boundaries
You couldn't even imagine the things I daydream of
Your brain is a carbon copy mass produced in foundries
I will break these limitations and soar high above

The meadow dies with my hope to break free
Who am I to combat society and those who abide
I'll just try to carve my own path if need be
The thick brush slows my way so I'll step to the side

Going around for miles and reaching my limit
It feels like a dead end with no progress made
This path is certainly not very efficient
Not to the ones who do the judging and surveyed

After convoluted metaphors and exaggerations
I want to elaborate on what I mean
I'm more than just productivity, I'm thought and sensation
My life and worth can't be measured by any living being

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