Alternate Space

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We're only star-crossed lovers in some alternate space,
I want to break the barrier and hold your face, but baby
I can't warp time in our case.
I wish we could get away
because I don't think I can take
much more of this place.
Drifting aimlessly indefinitely
could you be my saving grace.
Or at least help me to my feet
so I can try to chase you as you flee. I've never been a lucky guy and you're no winning ticket
but if we aim for the sky,
we can be drifting around together
if we miss it.
I know it's a stupid fantasy and you're likely to be ripped away from me
by a stronger field of gravity
before I can even get a decent hand hold
And my fire will start to burn out. Leaving me a black star, drifting, growing cold.
Waiting for a collision of cosmic caliber to redirect my course or destroy me without remorse,
stripping the shell, exposing the core,
and it's just a worn out corpse.
The same boy as before,
hoping to make a break through
only to see it's of no use any more. Doomed to drift and just barely miss every opportunity given
to take the slip
through the fabric of space
and kiss your supernova face.

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