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Well hey howdy hello to you
To what do I owe the displeasure to?
Celebrations? Sure!
I'll slam down a bitter emotional cocktail brew
Drink up ice cold & scalding hot in all the wrong places soup
With very little to no nutritional value
Despite our destructive habits
I still like you
What to do, what to do
Is it right to make a move
When time has shown
Again & again
It'll never allow for me & you
But fucking whatever
I can't afford to keep caring anymore
I hurt too much or I'm completely numb
Falling for my own fantasies again, so dumb
Idealized idiot in a cycle of chasing something I can never hold
I'm exhausted now and my burning vigor of youth is growing old
I feel it in my knees
I feel it in my soul
But lo and behold all it takes is one look
To make me day dream all over again
She could never be you
and you could never be her
I know that
I'm a hopeless romantic but I'm not absurd
Besides I'd never want to fall like that twice
Uncontrollably & frantically
Heart and mind gripped in a sentimental vice
Free falling towards the surface of the ice
Closing my crying eyes and holding my breath
Awaiting the impact

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