Red rocks, white sands, pink dust

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You went to play in those beautiful white sands
And I went for the red rocks
I sing in tap shoes across the cliff tops
As you glide on white dunes
in just your socks
I gaze at the stars and start to dance
As you shake the sand out of your pants
I sing to the stars and dance to the wind
While you're taking it all in
looking at him
The sands white mix with the rocks red
And I'm breathing in the pink dust
for nothing more should be said
Just listen to me as I sing my song
And if you two want to
then by all means dance along
But keep your distance
and watch were you stand
And for the sake of my shoes
keep away your fucking sand
Keep away the coarseness of your love
Just watch me with wide eyes
as I dance up above
Someday you'll look out over the sands and regret it all.
You'll want to savor the red hue and dance
But the rocks around you will crumble
to sand
And all you'll hear is my voice
ringing throughout the valley
So get used to dancing without me
And learn the sad songs I sing
Because one day they'll scream my name
And we'll be nothing but pink dust
Then the songs and tap shoes will be all that remain.

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