Dancing in the Rain

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Dance with me in the winter rain
I know it may seem cliche and old
But let the waters rinse out the pain
Let it seep in no matter how bitter or cold.
We'll clumsily step over each others feet
Drawing in close and backing away
Making our way from driveway to street
I want to see it in your eyes "stay."
I'll see your breath
And you'll see mine
This soaking dance of death
For you'll seem divine.
And I'll stand in disbelief
Ere you've ran off with my heart
My favorite little thief
I'll chase you to play my part.
Rhythmically  running around
Brushing gently when we pass
Tamping down the muddied ground
And swaying over the whetted grass.
Our movements chill the air
Our heartbeats are erratic
I stop again and stare
You leave me breathless, asthmatic.
The rain must be working out
Because it's getting stronger
And I know beyond a doubt
We can't stay here much longer.
Let me take your hand and run
We'll find some kind of cover
Away from everyone
There we might be lovers.
The sky will break
And we'll emerge
My towel and heart you'll take
Along with my dire urge.
You'll rip the words right from my mind
Out of my mouth and through the mist
Home in you I will always find
"Would it be alright if we kissed?"

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