Adolescent Boy

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That unknowing adolescent boy was right.
I can finally see it through failed trials and hindsight.
You've always held dominion over my affections.

Flaunting your lady lordship,
Daunting from afar and above.
Haunting nightly mind endeavors.
Arming my head & heart with love.

That adolescent boy said he'd be ready for your return.
Waiting so long he forgot the weight of his word, then so stern.
You've always had me second guessing.

Bidding time until you come around
Hiding the strife and pride and pain
Rewinding the echoing memories
Endorphins rush through my brain.

Adolescent boy you felt so strong
Now you recollect and write mediocre songs
While we both longingly wait for our day to be here.

Timidly the chance has come
Fickly I endure a little longer
Infamy from old mishaps strike
I hope this ends with me stronger

Adolescent boy I hope your words hold true.
For if she's come back ready I think I'm ready too.
But there's no surefire way to tell.

Playing it semi safe with confession
Delaying the words I wish to speak
Saying I love you seems to fit that
You can still make my knees weak

I'm still in awe of the bravery of that adolescent boy.
Chasing his dream of stability and joy.
I'm still holding on to something for me and you.

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