Box Shaped Heart

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Be it bloody & be it blind
Mutual intentions seem hard to find
When I simply want a chance to show
Is it too much to ask to dance real slow

Could I lay myself out for you to love
Or is that too brash & bold & dumb
Is reciprocation a godsend gift
Or is it just a ten cent myth

Who's to blame but time itself
Me I suppose but you're guilty as well
I spin & you revolve
The mutual ground begins to dissolve

Fleeting chances & forlorn regret
I'm sick of being a one time outlet
I'm tired of not being seen seriously
I know I could preform tremendously

Trial after trial, error after error
Every failed attempt has me feel lesser
As I recall the love I once held close
The pain is amplified being juxtapose

I do some things well enough I guess
But when it comes to timing I'm a mess
Luck & love have never been my friend
I want someone to bring that to an end

It's never been fair, it's never been just
My hearts set out for "love or bust"
The mission's bleak & grows darker
How soon will I fall, crash, & falter

More depressive tendencies tacked on
Cause you said no & shes long gone
Left all alone in a box shaped heart
That used to be covered in colorful art

Now it's all faded away & gone grey
And my brushstrokes cause more decay
The murals crack & the poetry runs
The edges of the box pierce my lungs

Drowning in my own grey hue
I feel helpless not knowing what to do
Has it all been for naught
The effort & tears it wrought

So I put down the paintbrush
And pick up a guitar
Turns out the acoustics in here are way above par

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