You Again?

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Drifting in and out
Is this really me
Are you all that I really see?
Whys your name alone hold the weight
To drop me to my knees
Not thinking of what is yet to be?
I can't sort it or pinpoint it
And it makes me crazy
Why am I still hung up on you lady?
Even after others have come & got
The love I gave you whole & gently
You still rack my heart, my mind, my entity.
Fixated over frugal visions
Romanticizing intimacy
Love poems vaguely about you will be my legacy.

When asked what I'm thinking
I often say nothing, generalizing
You're the nothing I think of most.
It's a little terrifying

Coming and going
Your memory hit me in waves
Staggering nights, crumbling days.
Puffed up pretty words
Echo in my chest cavity caves
Longing to find you, be it after our graves.
I've kept track of ringing words
Some are powerful in ways
Most are scribbled down in a frantic daze.
Few methods quell the memories
A handful fuel the craze
Reminders of love laced hay days.
Slow to dim quick to brighten
You alight me once and I still blaze
Don't get it twisted babe

I'm still trying to figure things out
But if I knew then what I know now
Might've been smarter or done the same stupid things
Either way I'll see you around.

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