Red Leather Sofa

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You said you didn't want anything serious, call me delirious, but the way you look at him is kind of fucking serious.
I'm not broken up too bad or too bitter was just a shock, double hitter, you knocked me around but I'm no quitter.
Next time would you look me in the eyes, when you tell your white lies, as to avoid the sudden revelations I had and the emotions revitalized.
Because my heart was revived that night on a red leather sofa, your gentle caress caused more than a few supernovas
But it's just another nick, a crevice but nonetheless, a certain kick in the chest when we spilled our hearts across our breast.
I barely opened the door, you pushed me to the floor, and I could only seem to adore your mastery of my heartstring repertoire.
For I know you're a romantic connoisseur.
So lead me and I'll surely follow
We could start today, or early tomorrow, either way, you've got the full say on when I'll embark from this sorrow.
Just remember the time we shared on that red leather sofa, to think I can still smell your soft sweet aroma
It's crazy baby
Either way keep this in mind
And I'll be ready to be at your side
Just tell me when you want to be at mine and we can unwind, laugh and love and leave it all behind.
Baby do you want something along those lines? A real feeling I would never willingly compromise.
For I felt alive that night on the red leather sofa, pure beauty and serenity you're certainly both of.
I've never had good timing with this I forgot about her wrapped in your bliss and I feel like a goddamn fool
For getting so lost in your whirlpool, but it's cool.
As long as you're happy
Because on a red leather sofa you brought to my eyes all the chances I let fly by.
No more.

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