Streets & Junctions

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Soft hearted streets & sentimental subdivisions
Phantoms of the past & semi clouded vision
I see our shadows dancing in perfect imprecision
At the junction of 1826 & 967

All the sentimental streets and corners
Have me feeling like a Sunday morning mourner
While I hesitate to call the coroner
Because it's not over,
I refuse

Old county road 1492
Right beside the long rows of pews
That's where I fell in love with you
Just passing by turns me a magnificent hue of dark blue
And I don't know what to do

About the idealistic alleys & paths
That remind me of other halves
Which have long since past

And alas I'm stuck on the former

So I'll call the coroner my dear
And I'll lay her down as well as you
You'll rest on county road 1492
And I'll be hesitant but present
On the junction of 1826 & 967

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