Little Arts & Crafts

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Well I dreamt
About you again
We shared a glass
& made little arts & crafts.

I woke
Half the day had fled
& I felt so weak
All my energy was spent.

But I got out of bed
& tied my shoes
& looked for a way
To combat the blues

So I climbed a tree
& I had a snack
I went abroad
& only half came back

Oh I wanna make little arts & crafts
But it was just a dream
& it'll always be that

So I had some drinks
I got proper drunk
& when I went to sleep
You're all the stuck

We built a fire
We made some s'mores
The flames were multicolored
& I wanted more

It burned pink & blue
Green & orange too
But it failed to compare to
The light the shone from you

I woke up in a sweat
My chest felt inflamed
& although you're gone
The embers still remain

I wanna build a fire of multicolored flames
But you tell me it's hopeless
& I kind of feel the same

Little arts & crafts
& campfire snacks
It's all in my head
These phantoms of the past

But if we made little arts & crafts
Would you throw them to the flames
And never, not once, look back

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