32 Broken Lines

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Pastries for pirates,

A goat for a whaler, 

1,000 old crones,

And a half dull saber.

A bridge collapse in Genova,

Flames rage  far out West,

200,000 dead civilians,

In the name of "defense".

Whisper sweet guttural nothings,

Into the bloodied ear,

Does it feel good to pretend?

To claim to adhere?

Citrus for circus freaks,

A jester for a prince,

10,000 distractions,

And a scratch gone unitched.

Gloves for the blind boy,

Tap shoes for the sand,

Does it make any sense to you?

Or does it all sound like strands?

Electrons for brainwaves,

Synapses for hands, 

Jell-O for eyelids,

And a phone from soup cans.

Palpitations for stability,

Love found in loss,

I can't make my mind up,

10 million thoughts cross.

Senseless babble for poetry,

Illusive metaphors as truth,

32 broken lines of it,

Including these two.

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