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Oh my Regine has it really been
Six long years since you first loved me
I feel the next time I open up to thee
It will be at my autopsy
Did you notice me not noticing

I stall my mind and bide my time
Occasionally, catching your eye
Thinking how you missed my set
Probably for the best
For those sweet songs are still for you
But I sing them for me take it for truth

I hope your heart skipped a beat
And you remembered everything
But what do I do, oh what to do
When my coping mechanisms fall through
And the sad songs don't help me cry
But just sprinkle salt on bitter goodbyes

Your name is engraved in my lungs
For you're far more detrimental to my health
Than any smoke I've had within myself
You linger like the smell and taste
But disappear like the cloud post haste
While I'm coughing till I'm blue
Now a days I'm always some sad hue

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