Sure Uncertainty

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Pulling on my heartstrings
like a marionette,
plucking all the right notes
and making them bend.
Is it too much too soon to say
I think we could carve our own way
It might be course and rough
And we'll certainty have to be tough
But all in all,
I think we've got the right stuff.
I might be in my head
Or sick of sleeping alone
But your all I'm seeing
On the clock and at home.
Now I know it may just be a limerence
Because I've never learned my lesson
Thinking the feeling is mutual
Only to find they felt quite different.
So by all means help me see
Vent to me and tell to me
All the reasons why you cry
Drop all the baggage at my door
And please come on inside.
My table is set for two
So kick off your shoes
Talk through the whole meal
And I'll really listen to you.
I'll warm you when your frigid
Assure you it's not just a vision
We're both real in these moments
So let's not miss it.
This chance to be something
Now I know it's so daunting
But we're young and thriving
With a lifetime left of bad timing
And I don't want to let it slip.
So hey would you be willing
To jump off this bridge
Into what is surely uncertainty
And see where we drift.
At worst I'll be lost at sea
And at best you'll be next to me.
But I understand if that's not what you want to do
So you can set the pace, and I'll follow you.

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