Bloody Mouthful

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Asking big questions about small things
Biting my tongue until it bleeds
Accused of romanticizing abusive tendencies.
When I was merely recalling history

Calling me out while my tongue is pined between my teeth
Taste the blood, feel the sting
More absurdly large quarrels over the smallest things
How the fuck do you claim to know me

Fighting lock jaw and losing
Mouth swelling and spilling red
Spitting up saliva infused blood with the words I said
And you only focus on the sticky dread

New lifestyle punching me in the face
Furthering the bloody fountains spout pace
Tongue twisted as the world begins to shout and race
No doubt my voice has been lost in the transition

Finally my molars let loose
But I'm still just as confused
As to where my place is and what to do
With hands stained by the brown-red hue

Lost in this new world so vicious
Controlled by things very suspicious
Telling me that bloodshed is delicious
But fuck those fascist people

Didn't we already get rid of you
After the Great War and then round two
I digress cuz what can one voice really do
In the global sprawl of war mongers and greed

Still spitting blood with the consonants
Feeling so small is a constant
But join together and sweep the continent
Hell we might even change the world

There might be blood in my words but no malice
I bleed for the public detesting those in the palace
Sit with me and fill your chalice
We can talk about ways to take back the world

With art, science, and common sense
The things corporations spare no pence
The greedy old fuckers are too dense
Hopefully when our time comes there will be something left.

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