Ceramic Face Masks

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He's just your average guy
Nothing distinguishable about this fellow
He keeps to himself and it never goes awry
Self proclaimed "Dude I'm totally mellow"

Truth is the man is confused
Left with limited options and time
His heart wondering if it was all a rouse
Wanting to just dissipate oh how sublime

Battered and bruised the man has become
Tolerant of the beatings and bashings
Callused, jagged, and cold to some
But his mind is always fit to have thoughts clashing

He puts on his public face and strides out the door
Nobody knows the conflicts, the cares, the wishes
Soon enough he's bumped and the mask falls to the floor
The brittle ceramic shatters like thin dishes

His true intentions and cogwheels displayed
Enjoyed by some but widely seen as clutter
The wonders he sees and demons he fears are portrayed
People shout and ask questions but he can only mutter

Fingers torn from collecting the shattered façade
His heart beat weakens as he tries to piece it together
The masks has been put together but something's still odd
Revelation strikes, electrifying like stormy weather

The forced happiness he issues on himself is wrong
You can't influence other people with constructed emotion
He figures "fuck it, fake it and they'll follow along"
"If I can fool them to think I'm happy, I can fool myself" a pitiful notion

You can't fool yourself, I've tried
As inconspicuous as it seems I'm writing about me
I've told myself I'm normal, I lied I lied I lied
It's just so inhuman to have it all roll off and flee

My heart used to sing out in waves of power chords
But the hindsight after the heartbreak has always been unkind
My strings muted and rusting sheltered under darkened boards
The love suppressed and the hate eradicated, I want to rewind

Maybe I'm still healing from all the wars my brain raged on my heart
Maybe I just have to find that spark again somewhere new
Maybe I'll never figure it out and never get that new start
But maybe it's you.

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