Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

I couldn't believe I almost cried in front of Harry. Should I tell him what happens at home. I mean he's a big star but would he really care what i talk to him about.  The both of us came out of the limo, harry walked beside me , he payed for tickets we went in. This place is  huge I thought to myself.  Harry held my hand. We didn't want me to be lost in the big crowds. We walked up to the games. I've always wanted to win one of those big stuff pandas.

" why don't we play this game love" Harry said

"Sure why not" I said

It was the water shooting game. Harry won. I came in second. He won the giant panda. I sat there looking at him.

" here I won it for you" he said as he handed me the huge panda. 

" Thanks Harry" i said with a smile 

" Your welcome love" he said 

" why don't we go on the Ferris wheel?"  he added

" ok but I'm scared harry" i said in a nervous tone, harry looks at me and smiles

" aw its ok ill hold your hand" he said 

I held Harry's hand as we go on to  the Ferris wheel chills went down my back. I had rolled down my sleeves because It was hot, as soon as we reached the top the Ferris wheel had stopped, and it started pouring, god damn it my concealer had started coming off, Harry grabbed my arm and saw all the bruises and cuts all over my hand

" Emma is there something you'd like to tell me?" he said 

" kinda" I said nervously 


I noticed the cuts and bruises on her arm, I got worried a girl like her shouldn't be harming herself in anyway possible. 

"well its all my family, this has been happening since my mother got re married to some douche awhile back, and honestly I've always wanted to make this family happy and more alive, but no it become depressing and hurtful, my step-father just loves to abuse me all the time, and my mother is gone half the time I never get to see her anymore, (a little a/n i think what i did is her mother died but i just don't remember so im just going to leave that there until i remember if i did put that in my story)  i mean its hard to live without love and care" she looked away I could tell she wasn't living a happy life anymore, I wanted to do something, but what could I do, maybe adoption? 

"Emma, I hate how you have to go through that, I mean that you should be treated like that, you should be treated with love and care, and I can give that to you, why don't I get your mother to let me adopted you.

she looked up at me a very big smile was on her face she looked happy 

"but what about my step-father he would like want to murder you or something" she laughed 

"Emma, don't even worry about it" i told her 

we exited the Ferris Wheel and came off Emma and I walked around a little more. 

" want something to eat love?" i asked her 

" yes please I'm really hungry" she said 

" your cute you know" i said 

she smiled and gave me a hug 

i bought 2 burgers, the both of us sat down. no one talked, i finished before her,

" love why don't we leave now" i said 

" Alright harry lets go" she said 

we went inside the limo, Emma was freaking out. i know she would be better in my hands. 

" ok were here" the driver said 

I had told the driver to wait a little, I saw her step-father sitting outside of the house sitting on a chair, smoking with a bottle of beer in his hands, I rolled down the window to hear him talk 

"Emma WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" he yelled at her

"out, I told you I was going out" she said

He grabbed Emma by the wrist and started to twist it, Emma yelled in pain, i got out of the limo and rushed towards the house 

"LET GO OF HER" i demanded

His eye's had widen  when he looked at me, he let go of Emma. She came tumbling down the steps of the house


He had done inside and slammed the door loudly, I run up to Emma and helped her up, tears stained her face "oh god Emma, are you already does your back, legs arms or anything else hurt?" I asked "n-o-o- i don't think so" she mumbled. We both walk towards the limo. 

Updated and Edited March 1st 2016. 

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